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Name: Charon Death 2
Height: 5' 8
Width: 150
Titles: The Last CW Absolute Undisputed Champion (total runs: 10); CW Universal Transfigure Transsexual Intercontinental champion w/ Goldyke; Kreature of the McMahons 2030; Winner King of Pain 2007.
Affiliation(s) or Other: None
Game Status: Author
Contact: [email protected]

A cloned Charon of Death from an alternative future where The McMahon Family has overtaken the entire world, and Hra'gad is an entity of immense power pulling all of the strings.

Charon Death traveled into the past using Julie's locket in order to change fate- but what was also true was that this Charon contained a portion of Hra'gad since she was a failed Hra'gad clone from the future timeline, 2030.

This Charon told the present Charon about the origin of the Absolute and Mortal Wrestling title belts- that they were forged from metal from the "Hand of God"- a scepter that could determine life or death and the keys to the Gate of Apocalypse.

What we know from accounts is that this cloned Charon traveled to the future during the time when she met with Darkspade when he was fighting Hra'Spyder-- instead of reaching the present timeline-- she instead traveled to the time when Mortismere was the Unholy Emperor. We do not know for certain what she did during that time- but she did have Julie's locket.

Eventually, many eons later, our heroes discovered the clone Charon in a testing tube within the Unholy City that Mortismere built.

Presently, the Cloned Charon, from an alternative future forever evaporated, revealed herself alongside the present Charon Death who won the CWE World title. Darkspade was on-to the cloned Charon's guise when he asked if she know where Julies locket is... The Cloned Charon responded that it is, "In same keeping." See:

Darkspade's suspicions where correct because when he confronted his daughter during an interview regarding if he will get a rematch... the two Charons revealed themselves.... at least appearing that the two Charons were working together all-along. See

Theme music: Going Under