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Name: Scotty Halls
Affiliation(s) or Other: CW MegaStar
Game Status:

Hey Yo!.....
Name: Scotty Halls
Height: 6' 6"

Weight: Big ole Beer Belleh, 300lbs
Faction: NFO with Hollywood Hoogan and big ugly, Cevin Dash!

Background: Scotty Halls is really excess bagage that Hoogan and Cevin picked up from a bar in Tijuana and haven't been able to get rid of him ever since. Scotty Halls is an excessive drinker and always ready to defend his buds.

Favorite Saying(s): Hey Yo

Strengths: Can drink 5 kegs of beer in under 2 seconds. Has a two word vocabulary.

Weaknesses: Scotty is never sober enough to know where he is at or what he is doing or even what planet he is on!