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Altimac was the Great Kindred Sage of the Vaolrixous Tribe in the CW fictional storyline. This storyline character was used to help describe the creation of the Crystals.

According to what was uncovered- Altimac gained the Light powers of The Oracle to defeat Lilith. However, Hra'gad was created by the negativity of Darkness and prevented Altimac from destroying Lilith.

After a 1,000 year war, Altimac finally defeated Hra'gad but the cost was so high that Altimac lost his immortality and the Light inside of him turned into a Crystal. Hra'gad perished but his own energy transformed into a Crystal as well. The dark crystal was later stolen by F'ein Dacor to re-create Hra'gadu but was unsuccessful and instead, birthed Mortismere and Kizmata.

Altimac returned to our reality through the doorway with the Crystal of Light- between the Light and Darkness along with most of the remaining Vaolrixous Tribe and instructed to close the door forever with exception to a prophecy.

During the Evangelion Project, the Dark Crystal was absorbed into Markus but was rejected because he was not a chosen one. The Crystal of Darkness was re-birthed into a "chosen" vessel into our dimension.

Altimac remained a mortal being in our Earth and lived till he was well over one-hundred years old. It is said that Altimac founded the highly advanced civilization: Atlantis. Altimac died of old age and his body was lost in the pages of time.