Event: A CreatureMania Moment [CM:XV- 07/15/2024]

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The Undertaker
The Lord of Darkness
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Joined: Sun Jun 16, 2024 1:41 pm

Haunting Revelations Revealed

The Lord of Lords- The Undertaker firmly raises his head to stare at Kizmat with stoical emotions.

Uncheck the mute button to hear the music (if there are more than one video in this thread, for full experience, you would have to uncheck/check off them as you read, sorry).
Cannot see or hear anything? Then, READ THIS

"Lord of Blood. It was my grand plan."

Kizmat frowned with confusion
KIZMÄT: M'Lord, about what exactly? What plan?

From behind him re-emerged from the darkness was Uncle Howdy

"He means. He means to reveal the truth to you after all of these decades in imprisonment."

Kizmat rubbed his chin, anticipating what he could mean by that. His eyes filled with blood red as he realized it.

"... Yes. My plan was, almost, executed flawlessly- as I sit here having this long overdue conversation with, you, my The Lord of Blood."

*Kizmat spells out what is obvious at this point*
KIZMÄT: ... So, this imprisonment was your plan, let me take a wild guess, that over time, The Creatures of the Night would destroy each other, undue themselves with a wrestling organization, and compete until there were none left, but to what ends exactly, M'Lord?

"Heh. Not a bad guess, that is almost about right."

The Undertaker tilts his head as he moves slightly in his throne

"You are indeed strong minded, Lord of Blood. But not strong enough to trap me, let alone both of us. Long before you challenged me, I grew bored for countless millennia. I saw how my Creatures of the Night unwaveringly clung to my every word as their chosen dark messiah. And, their numbers grew.... So. I concocted a grand plan. I wanted to be imprisoned willingly within the only vessel able to do so, but I needed a Creature of the Night, like yourself, strong enough and naive enough to do so. The point was to create turmoil and confusion amidst my Creatures- turning friends against friends and foes against foes. The end goal was to weed out the weak and nurture the strong. It worked, and your admittance confirmed it."

KIZMÄT: Ok. And The Lord of Dreadmare, what was his role?

"Is that more obvious? I did not expect you would imprison us both within my urn. His role, as always, was to ensure chaos and confusion amidst the Creatures of the Night happen. But by imprisoning him here- his reach was severed. He was not supposed to be imprisoned, but you were stronger than anticipated. So. The only way..."

The Lord of Dreadmare interjects.
"Heh. The only way to ensure the chaos was through an agent.

The Undertaker stands.

"There was a failsafe in the event The Lord of Dreadmare was unsuccessful in ensuring chaos through direct intervention. An indirect intervention through the Urn influenced what you called The Darkspade was activated. Yes, Lord of Blood, we could still impact the world of the living through the Urn. And so, year after, godforsaken, year- The Darkspade, the key to your Creature Wrestling, worked behind the scenes, without him even noticing, ensuring chaos- primarily through his dreams as The Lord of Dreadmare would visit, telling him what to do and how to do it... in exchange... The Darkspade was granted the immense power of balance as a guardian, a responsibility that weighed heavily on his shoulders."

Kizmat paces a little from left to right, stops, and asks.

KIZMÄT: Yes. I always felt that your power did not entirely cease in the world of the living- that something was off with The Darkspade. But you have yet to respond to my actual reason for being here. You succeeded in your plan to ensure chaos happens- there are not many Creatures left. It is the Employer why I am here, why I even bothered. So, will you sit idly by and allow them to ensure chaos to annihilation?

Uncle Howdy turns his head slightly to stare at The Undertaker while rotating his right hand.


"What is the very definition of an Employer? [Kizmat's eyebrows raise] "A person or organization that employs others in exchange of a wage or a good?"

KIZMÄT: .... Yes. And? Your point?

"... You forget who I am and what I am here to do—my very nature. I am neither a face nor a heel. The gods granted me my formidable powers to, above all else, be the savior to follow without reason and to make things satisfying- you could say, an organization or group."

Kizmat has another sudden realization.
KIZMÄT: .... There was more than one fail-safe... one for Uncle Howdy's and your role. The Employer is your intervention to ensure what exactly?

"... initially, that all of my loyal, strong, Creatures of the Night follow me, even to oblivion, of course. However, things went astray when you were, for awhile, sent into the ethereal plane- it caused all of your problems. The Employer is my shade, sorta speak, she gained that role through an act of such pain and suffering, which has had a ripple effect throughout all time and space- that it even leaked into the ethereal plane... hence, how she gained the power of the deadman. A power she still needs to understand fully, understand its impact, its..."

KIZMAT: .... Undertaker. How long do you have?

[uncovers his left sleeve showing his shriveled arm]
"... Not much longer"

KIZMÄT: **Sigh** Then, we have no further business.

"... Oh yes we, still, do." - snarls Uncle Howdy.

Kizmat was already turned to leave- stops, turns around....


"We did not expect my shade to possess a powerful emotion of sorrow and suffering to that extent. The Employer's power exceeds my own at this point. And with the seal broken, The Creatures of the Night, what few remaining, must know that I am still around. That is troubling news. My grand plan has backfired. Simply resealing the Urn won't stop this; I can feel the power of my Urn calling them out of hiding- unfortunately, they won't follow me, rather, The Employer."

KIZMÄT: .... are you going to help or not? Stop wasting my goddam fucking time.

The Undertaker sighs and opens his mouth to speak
word count: 1042
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The Employer
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Joined: Tue Jul 18, 2023 7:53 am

There is no time or space outside of my reach.

The Undertaker opened his mouth to provide The Lord of Blood with his ultimate answer, but then, all around them, the environment faded to complete darkness. The view of The Undertaker within Kizmat's perception also dissipated with the environment. Kizmat was left in a void, seemingly within a void.

KIZMÄT: Uh... wha.. what the. Taker? Uncle? Anyone?

And then, two eerie lights are seen in-front of Kizmat.

Uncheck the mute button to hear the music (if there are more than one video in this thread, for full experience, you would have to uncheck/check off them as you read, sorry).
Cannot see or hear anything? Then, READ THIS

"Dear Kizmat."

KIZMÄT: Who. No. Impossible.

"Only impossible if you can not dream it."

KIZMÄT: Your meddling will not stop a thing.

"Nothing to meddle. I have no vested interest in what you are trying to do- The Undertaker is pointless to persist. I am here to do you a favor- explain that you are wasting your time."

KIZMÄT: Who the fuck are you, really? What is it really you want?

Image "My identity does not matter. What my desire is that you can not fulfill it. However, you and that whore ARE causing me to alter time and space as you persist to stop me. I tried to interfere with your venture here- but you successfully broke each attempt. I knew you would seek a greater power- but again- you are wasting your time. Interfering with my plans is a waste of time."

KIZMÄT: Bitch, YOU are wasting my time figuring out what the fuck.... have you ever thought that maybe, just maybe, if you explain yourself then we could help you?

".... So. You know I am a woman. That matters not. What I want, you can not provide. So. I must re-write history, time after time, until I...."

Without notice or ability to perceive, The Undertaker breaks through the dark shroud caused by The Employer and literately spears her to the ground.


At that eventuality, the dark void evaporates, leaving them back in the ethereal plane. The Undertaker turns and slaps his hand across The Employer's neck, raising her to the air to only slam her down on top of his very own stone throne—BREAKING IT IN PIECES!!

But, a haunting laughter is heard all around.

"Muwawwh.... Losing your touch, oldman."

The Undertaker rises and sees The Employer standing unscathed.


Then, Uncle Howdy grabs her in a bear hug- at least- containing her.... but The Employer drops, and all that is left is its black cloak on the ground..... All three look around frantically for The Employer until she reappears on a large boulder overhead.... looking down, The Employer raises its hands...


"You should not have come here, Kizmat, poking around, looking for solutions to a problem that has only one answer- I see it now. Thank you. So long, Kizmat. So long, Uncle Howdy. And so so long, Undertaker. You three will become imprisoned forever here. No escape for either of you."

The Undertaker grips his hand and screams out loud, "NOT OVER MY DEAD BODY!" - and with that, he thrusts his arms down, summoning his powers in the form of lightning with such momentum that it struck The Employer in the back as she turned away-- she falls from the boulder. She crashes in front of Kizmat's feet...

Kizmat reaches down and grabs a hold of its hood

KIZMÄT: We will finally, know who the hell you are!!!

To Be Continued in the Next Chapter of Creature Wrestling.
word count: 601