The return.....

Used for developmental stories and feuds.
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Alexander Arcane
Posts: 30
Joined: Fri Jan 11, 2008 5:19 pm

Re: The return.....

Alexander looked at the spot where John had placed his hand, then- Alex brushed off the soiled spot!.... With a smirk- Alexander re-took the mic back and stared into the eyes of John Baine.....

Alexander Arcane: Oh you figure I owe you something eh? Imagine that. I owe you nothing John- if anything- you should be thanking me for allowing you to show up on MWE television! [John motions angrily] But but... calm down calm down.... now. [adjusts John's collar] As a welcoming gift to the MWE..... you may have Sideshow after Shi Dorsu​jun Ku is done with him....

[Alexander was just about to turn to leave--- when John ONCE AGAIN placed his right hand on the greatest and most powerful Promoter's shoulder in all of Wrestling history!]

John Baine: Wait up. You still haven't responded... where is Charon... where is Darkspade? I have a few more Creatures to stomp....

::Alexander flung John's hand off::
Alexander Arcane: .......... They're already dealt with. I am going to tell you like I told Sideshow- those who dare stand up to me, FALL BEFORE ME!


::Alex flings the mic down to the canvas as his music hits again... and exits out of the ring and up the rampway.....::
word count: 211
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