Dusting the Cobwebs..... The Emergence of Richard Arcane

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Dusting the Cobwebs..... The Emergence of Richard Arcane

https://youtu.be/lMGo-9tKb90 A new scene emerges after watching a CreatureWrestling match on MAD.... first taken from the perspective a steel chair sitting in a lone monochromatic scheme and then the view drifts slowly away from the chair and we see that the background of this arena is pitch black minus a strong spotlight in the rapters illuminating the center of the ring.

Then, you see a man walk up the steel steps and enter the ring.... he stares at the steel chair and then looks up at the camera


It was surprisingly, Richard Arcane.... Alex Arcane's younger brother.

Richard Arcane nods and does not say a thing but as he looks up - the camera view looks up as well and a new spotlight illuminates a striking new banner in the distance!!!

Image What could this mean?

Richard Arcane lowers his head and raises both of his arms stretched out as the scene fades dramatically to black!!!
word count: 159
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