Angel of Terror vs Jezi: Graveyard Match

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Jezi continues past the gates (by Angel of Terror)

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Immediatey past the gates was a wooden bridge. AS she crossed it so obsevered that a moat ran along stide the high brick wall, as far as she could see. She stepped off the bridge into an overgrown path. Gravestones was scattered up to the edge of the moat as the previous tenders had used all the room possible in this area.

A slight breeze picked up in the still air, blowing leaves past her face. She brushed them aside and started forward again. A couple stepped later she heard a crack and some bubbling. She turned around to see the bridge sinking into the moat. She watched as it quickly sumcumed under the water.

She continued her was cautiously down the overgrown trial, ever watchful for any tricks that might present themselves. As she continued, a particular headstone attracted her attention. There was no praticular marcking, or shape, she was just drawn to it.

She continued forward, staring at it. The name Mary Kalinza didn't ring anybells. The gravestone its self was very simple, and look hand chisled and not very proffessionaly done. She finally stod over top of it looking at it.

She feel nauseous suddenly and quickly. It brought her to her knees, as she tried to shake it off. Her vision finally faded from sight.

Her visioned returned, but seem out of place. She looked at her arms and saw she was in a body of another woman. The black skin glistened with sweat. At her wristed as maniacle chains. The chains was fasten sucurely to an iron post in the wall. She gave several tugs to be sure.

Her hearing returned and she heard someone yelling at her. "Mary....your place is in the kitchen girl. So you stay here and you keep your ass to work, woman. You never be free, believe you me. You behave now, like a good gal, and I's take care of you real good."

Time tooks a fast foward trip, and the woman was slaved day after day, week after week for an unknown period of time. Finaly things reverted back to real time, and she heard a voice yelling again. This time it was a bit slurred, but the same vioce. "I took good care of you woman, ad I wanted to so I dare you smack me withs a pan. You will pay for that woman. I's show you to spurn me."

The man ran over to the stove and yanked it out. The smell of gas was overwelming. He leaped out of the chain length and glared laughing. He took out him pipe and lite it. He took several puffs thne toosed it at the stove. Sparks littered around. A small expsosing emitted from it. The place caught on fire quickly. The guy had fear in his eyes before he turned away and ran.

The flames began to lick everwhere. The woman pulled against the chain, trying with all her might to pull it way from the way, but she kept loosing her grip as blood slicked down the chain. The flames began to lick around her. The flames begans to burn her arms. She could feel the flesh bubbling up and burning off as time slowed to an impossibly slow speed. The flames spread all around her as her sight finally went.

Jezi's s
word count: 565
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Catching her breath... (by Jezi)

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Jezi got unsteadily to her feet. Her arms were starting to heal, and she wiped the tears from her face. She spoke no words to the Angel of Terror. None needed to be said. She straightened up, sqared her shoulders, and stepped forward. Mentally, she jotted down Mary's name to light a candle for her after the match. Even if the poor woman was just an illusion, the life felt real, and should be honored by someone.

Looking around, she carefully made her way on.
word count: 86
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A growling is heard (by Angel of Terror)

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Jezi glances around quickly. The hair went up in the back of her neck as she spied several glowing eyes in the distance. Shapes formed around them as they walked out of the shadows. Three wolves snarled at Jezi. Their coats was a shiny black and they stood five feet at the shoulders. They started circling around her.
word count: 58