[MAD: 08/19/2023] S2B Division: Crook VS Chane McMahon

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[MAD: 08/19/2023] S2B Division: Crook VS Chane McMahon

Suddenly, the S2B banner is replaced on the sides of the ring in anticipation of this match.
word count: 17
Chane McMahon
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Samantha Irvin: Coming out first....

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We did not see Chane come out as his CreatureTron was playing for several days... when all of a sudden the top of the arena dome opened to reveal a helicopter air-lifting Chane in on a stretcher!!! Everyone is perplexed as the stretcher was lowered into the ring where there were a dozen medical personnel awaiting him....



Chane's harness was taken off and he was slowly helped up by EMTs to his feet.... Chane's neck was braced by a neck brace and limping with crutches for support....

Corey Graves: And... he's medically cleared for this?!

Tony Schiavone: Um..
word count: 115
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You STILL don't KNOW ME.

And then....
Uncheck the mute button to hear the music.

The Crook exits the backstage with his mop hair covering his entire face... he stirs off to the left and accidentally slams into the ring-announcer table situated at the top of the stage... Corey Graves tries to turn The Crook and shove him forward into the direction.... Meanwhile, Chane McMahon twisted his ankle, again, and collapses to the floor....

The EMTs rush to Chane McMahon who is screaming in pain, holding his knee....




Tony Schiavone: Is he dead?!

The Crook was wandering through the crowd at this point as his hair was getting into people's cup of beer, of pop-corn, and getting entangled with other people's hair along the way to the backstage....

Samantha Irvin: Um... I guess... winner by disqualification, THE CROOK!!!
word count: 137
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