Perspective on the state of e-Feds in general, roster etc. 01/06/2024

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Perspective on the state of e-Feds in general, roster etc. 01/06/2024

I been thinking about making a journal, at least for myself haha, regarding the e-Fed, life etc. So here we go!

So I would imagine if someone from the past or even present comes to this e-Fed what could be on their mind (why do I still do this for instance). You could kinda see my perspective everywhere in the rules and whatnot, but plainly, I am continuing to write for myself and not for others per se. I mean, sure, an audience is cool- its great to know if someone is reading this, and partake, but here is the thing I want to stress after a lengthy career as a graphic/web programmer and an educator (post-secondary, middle, and elementary): do what makes you happy, and do not not give a damn what others think.

Through the lens of a long-time web programmer who started up long before smart phones and this world of instant gratification and "less, way less, is not necessary 'more' but convenient, really era of human development"... and through the lens of an educator I must say that its sad that good writing, and imagination, has become a lost art- especially using the internet as a medium.

Another thing which is also sad is that "back in the day" anyone could set up a dinky Angelfire webpage, that looks like a two-year-old nowadays could do better, and amass a vast amount of activity... especially if you sign up for a message board.

But, today, our website to these standards, back then, would have blown official sites out of the water with millions as a budget!! But alas, *cobwebs roll passed me as I write*, where are the people?!

Well largely the culprit, in my view (backed by educational research that I conducted for two master degrees mind you...), are web trends and human conditioning. Now keep in mind since 2008 we've had a massive decline (and aw hum even the knockoffs) of new players. This occurred around when there was a massive internet bust and smartphones came onto the scene- changing the frequency and access to the internet for people- and this need to communicate in smaller and smaller chunks (and in a tighter, smaller, viewport).

Secondly, human conditioning. What I learned from studying educational technology and human interactions from 2007 to 2010, and neurobiology from 2018-2020, was that the human brain is constantly seeking to create newer pathways through stimulus - and we absorb new and newer content. When that happens we are spoon feeding a dose of dopamine (search on the web reveals: "Dopamine acts on areas of the brain to give you feelings of pleasure, satisfaction and motivation. Dopamine also has a role to play in controlling memory, mood, sleep, learning, concentration, movement and other body functions." [url] ... tions.[url])... we go into dopamine overdose when we are constantly using our little smart phones and devices.... what also happens is the over confidence effect kicks in (when the brain over compensates for what it does not know or understand or forget- and makes us think we actually understand how something works etc.) and to make this short- a site like CreatureWrestling is avoided because 1) the general populace do not gain that instant dopamine because more work is involved to get it 2) there really is not a population already present to begin with and they think that, like other sites they came across which are or appear abandoned, there is no reason to invest time here, and 3) people don't have enough time due to their jobs and family responsibilities. I truly get it, I am in the same boat.

However, as busy as I am, I could find the time to post. And why is it that the average person can spend 8 hours a day on their smartphone: texting, watching videos, scroll mindlessly on Instagram, Tictok, or chat on Threads etc... and not participate here? I do not think that asking for 4 posts a month is that inconvenient and difficult to do.

There in lies the dilemma... how can you build or rebuild a roster if there is no roster to begin with to attract and hold players? Historically, what you do, is pour all sorts of money into advertisements which would attract people and the efforts of making news on the regular would visually show that the site is active and as a result, the human brain will think "oh! this site is active... what I do to it or on it makes me feel good (the dose of dopamine)"

Sadly to say- I don't have much of a budget for this place aside from web hosting etc which still is in the hundreds per year. And funny enough, when I updated the site and did some small amount of upgrades and usage of social media vendors-- I actually got some traffic, even some old players inquired about the place. Alas, I couldn't have ready for them a roster for them- THEY would be the roster. Sigh. And they left. Back to square one... but mind you... that has happened to me so many countless times I could write a literal book on.

So okay, what does this all come down too... what does this mean for CreatureWrestling?


I learned to stop caring about the numbers. It is easier for me because I own this place and can make stuff for it which gives me that dopamine... but I actually don't care or even want a big roster of players because (gulp) I sure as heck do not wan to go through that ordeal again. As a educational specialist sped teacher trust me when I say I do not want to deal with behavior on a web site... and all of the human issues that can happen **shudders**

Will there ever come a time when there will be somewhat a roster? Eh. maybe. That is not up to me- but up to the people that come here. I can only hope that perhaps, maybe, someway, some people will get sick and tired of their smart phones and twitting... errr Xing, I guess, (godamn Elon Musk is a ##$! moron) out small minuscule, even, mindless bullshit and actually want to use their mind and write. But, I am not holding my breath.

In the meantime, I enjoy the heck out of this e-Fed and there are so many benefits here- 1) I can write well (which nowadays is a lost art) 2) I can make digital art, and code, which also is well beyond the most average human, and 3) feel proud of my accomplishments here.

Sure I will treat CreatureWrestling as though it has a roster- I mean, I did write over 2k words worth of game rules that likely will never be read LOL, and make up an attendance policy, which again, likely not be read HEH! or write an insight post because I am bored and have some time to think about the next post to happen for the main storyline (and not likely be read either HAHAHAAH!)

Anyways, speaking of, I need to get to that main storyline post :P

word count: 1214