Inactive Player Policy

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Inactive Player Policy

First and foremost, CWE is not an e-Fed which is meant to take over your life. We do not expect that you are to sacrifice your sanity posting every day. However, if you do nothing it's not fair to others who do put in something into this e-Fed.

We have three methods to play the e-Fed to facilitate a broad range of players.

Active as a player playing in seasons -or- Active on Discord -or- Active as a traditional player

Players playing in seasons:

These players are active if they participate in the high seasons of the e-Fed. This is typically:

Summer (June-August); Winter (December) and March times.

Pros: You only have to be present during these times.
Cons: It is expected that you participate more than 4 posts per month during that season. You need to make a full-fledged storyline, you can play in chunks if you want to. However, players who play traditionally are given greater power to hold and maintain titles for longer periods, win tournaments etc.

If you rather play in limited amounts in our high seasons, just email me at [email protected] and request this.

You risk having your account change to inactive if you can't show up during the seasons and produce at least 1 story. I will bug you to come and play during these times...

Players playing only on the mobile discord:

We have a mobile version of this e-Fed on Discord for RPGs and Battles/fighting. This is intended for those that REALLY have a hard time finding the time to play.

Pros: There are no expectations of how long you need to post etc. You have access to the discord app at anytime- making it very easy to write using your smartphone, and, it is very easy to connect to other players in real-time.
Cons: Our traditional titles cannot exchange hands on discord. You're limited on discord in general with what you can post. There are very little excuses one can give if you're THAT busy with life lol if even discord is a problem.

Players playing traditionally:

Finally, for players wishing to actively play per month.

To remain active, you need to post at least 4 posts a month.

Pros: You have greater range playing titles and hold them, winning tournaments etc. It makes you a great writer and gives you bragging rights. If you need to take a break, I won't bug you often for doing it.
Cons: I guess its that you are posting theoretically more than the other methods- but 4 posts a month is nothing. Theoretically, you are writing more.
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Traditional Game Playing Rules and Consequences

Rules concerning when players post traditionally, de-activation process,
how to re-active, and about emergencies/personal necessities

Probation period:

When a new or returning player creates an account, they are in probation period for 30 days. The officials will review the player and decide to allow them to continue playing at the end of 30 days. This is contingent upon their ability to follow all of the rules, treat others with respect/kindness, and are an active player*

Deactivation of player accounts:

When a new or returning player joins the e-Fed, they will retain their account for as long as they are active players. Active players post at least 1 time every week (if they need to skip week or two, that is fine, but you need at least 4 posts a month). The exception to this is if a player is a "veteran player" (and earned that status through the official's determination).

A player who is "inactive" is someone who does not log in or they do not contribute to the e-Fed's gameplay.

How to stop the deactivation process?

- You have to show at least some activity on the eFed, You need to post at least 4 posts a month (to any RPG/PPV).

- You can request re-activation of your account 30 days after your initial deactivation occurred and you are placed back on probationary status.

- "Veteran players" are excepted from much of the deactivation processes. If you are regarded as a 'veteran' player (a player who has been active for at least one full year) and contributed a significant amount of posts to the e-Fed, we may waive the deactivation process, however, you risk title opportunities and matches that you want if you default to posting rarely. The officials have the right to decide if you are a veteran player, and we can also revoke your status of a veteran player if you disappear from the e-Fed for an extended period of time (i.e., 6-9 months) or if you break rules.

What about other places outside of the e-Fed's message board?

Posting regularly on other platforms like Discord and Reddit does NOT save you from the deactivation process on the e-Fed (this message board). However, CWE may kick you off of our social media groups for either breaking the rules or it is very clear that you are not participating in Discord, Reddit etc. (roughly an inactive period of 90 days).

Emergencies or personal necessities

In cases where there are personal necessities or emergencies: best to notify us if possible first, if you cannot notify us, then upon your return please explain briefly if this was an emergency (you do not need to tell us any personal details).

How to re-activate my account(s)?

To re-activate your account, send a new request for re-activation to:
[email protected]

The officials will review your request and decide on the outcome of your account re-activation.
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Player List

CreatureWrestling recognizes these players as veteran players and are excepted from much of the de-activation processes:

Active Players posting per season

DARKSPADE (all accounts)

Mamud Marsh (all accounts)

Retired Players

Red Syder (all accounts)

Charon Death (all accounts)
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