CH.14 (The Employer Arc) Main Thread: Act 3, The Lords of Darkness

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CH.14 (The Employer Arc) Main Thread: Act 3, The Lords of Darkness

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Chapter 14, The Employer Arc, Act I- we have witnessed the “The viewer” watching all of this unfold on the new CW app with occasional oddities occurring- seemingly, guiding the viewer to each scene, The battle between Red Spyder, Cadmus and Darkspade, Charon, Brandon, Obed Marsh, and Mamud reviving Kizmat, and in the past- Red Spyder & The Dark Sincentius witnessing the Children of Sin and Blight of the Death Family, the rise of Empress Angel of Death, Darkspade with the two Charons, and finally- more about the mysterious Employer is uncovered.

Chapter 14, The Employer Arc, Act II- The Children of Sin finally ended, and we now know what happened to Serin and the cause of his demise. An unholy bond was forged between Eddie and Lord Mortismere... but before anything else bad could happen, The Angel of Death and Obed Marsh deter Lord Mortismere, and Spade and Eddie are saved. However, The Angel of Death pointed out that the fruit was not harmful- but Eddie's wickedness is what killed Serin. The Angel of Death explained that now that Lord Mortismere knows about the children's powers, they are no longer safe. Consequently, Eddie is banished forever and never knows his true self; Spade's memories of this night are kept hidden.

This prompted Red Spyder to take action after realizing that he was Eddie who killed Serin and how; he immediately calls on The Employer to appear and to accept the final job offer; the Employer indeed appears- Red Spyder says that he will take the job to protect Angel and his children from evil beyond imagining on one condition, that after the job is done, he ceases to exist. The Employer agrees and states that the first mission is to find and identify 'the problem in terms of itself,' a cryptic phrase that hints at a complex challenge. The Employer then gifts Red Spyder with time travel. The next scene shows him looking into a dirty mirror; the face reflected was Richard Arcane. This means that Red Spyder was reborn as Richard Arcane- it is unclear if this was the case or selectively at a point. Either way, the tone for the next Act is upon us.... will we finally get to know the fate of Lord Kizmat? the resolution between Red Spyder, Cadmus, and Darkspade, and the rise of Empress Angel of Death, Darkspade with the two Charons-- and finally-- will we finally get to the bottom of what the Employer wants?!

The final act, Act III, is named The Lords of Darkness in The Employer Arc and it is here! To begin we will revisit the moment when Darkspade, Charon, Brandon, Obed Marsh, and Mamud revived Kizmat... The Lord of Blood. Additionally, CWE has revealed upon the world that there will finally be another CreatureMania....
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Open your eyes wide... you are certainly not dreaming... or rather... you are indeed having a horrible nightmare. It was seven years ago since we had our last... but now... The Lords of Darkness have returned to reclaim what is rightfully theirs.... will the Creatures of the Night stop or ally with them? Brace yourselves, for the next PPV is upon us, a pivotal moment in the Employer Arc. Rest in Pieces.
word count: 624
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The Lord of Blood
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I like this power...

Flashback from post: ... 7&start=18 Brandon grabs on to Mamud's outstretched hand, as the world melts. Charon, Brandon, Obed and Mamud transport to a cave infront of a pool of blood. At that point, Kizmat emerges from the pool of blood...

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"...someone who knows you well enough to know you won't appreciate having your memory tampered with. I know your past has been changed, and your memory has been changed--I don't know how much. The Kizmat I know would seek power, and not just sate his blood lust. What power does being in this cave give you?" Charon asks, body posture relaxed but ready to fight if needed.

"I... ..." A look of blankness passes over Kizmat's face.

"Do you no longer want power? Have you decided your worth is merely your appetite, your gluttony? You're a bandage now, a Vampiric tampon and nothing more?" Charon presses.

Kizmat's face remains passive, non-reactive.

"You can't reason away the Employer's hold--don't you think I tried this? You have 2 options I can see: have him drink from the gourd, or try to use Wickedness to free him. I have no idea how. But then, I'm not the Guardian," Mamud interjects.

"I'm not drinking anything you give me, unless it's your blood!" Kizmat spits, and with a leap out of the pool barrels towards Charon.

Charon dives out of the way and rolls into a run around a stalagmite, running up a wall while firing nail guns at Kizmat. She concentrates on Kizmat's wicked nature--on his desire to hurt, to control, to dominate, to betray, and she calls forth the monstrous beast she loves from the nerfed creature before her. She remembers his drive for power and his back room dealings; she summons that Wickedness, and hits him with a blast of it.

Kizmat's speed was uncanny- he zipped around the blast of wickedness with such velocity that no one could see him anymore but a hazy outline. Charon suddenly side-stepped and dodged an attack to her left from Kizmat, as he flung a broken stalagmite at her!!!

The curious Mamud watched closely- as so does Obed Marsh.

Kizmat laughed as his body oozed out his twisted dark armor to cover him and to protect..... at that moment Charon conjured a ball of wickedness within her hand and flung it down to the ground sending forth a shockwave within the cave-- causing the entire place to shudder and tremble with her mighty powers.... as everyone else was trying to regain their balances-- Kizmat stood, un-phased, and then spat at his love a glob of fiery blood.... Charon raised her right hand and a shield of wickedness ricocheted the glob of blood away....

"That is more like it," with amusement from Charon....

Kizmat stared at Charon with bloodshot dark eyes--

KIZMÄT: Why do I find you familiar- and yet- unfamiliar at the same time? You have piqued my interest-- what do you call yourself again? Charon? Is that what they call you? [Charon nods] Indeed. Your presence is intriguing, hinting at a power beyond comprehension. Is this power something I could achieve upon your drink from this fruit membrane?"

"I am not sure," as Charon contemplates, "... but I was bestowed the power of Wickedness through the collaboration of these two [points to Mamud and Obed], who seem to possess a deep understanding of such matters."

**Obed Marsh unveils the Gourd-- knees and rolls it across the floor by which it hits Kizmat's left barefoot.... Kizmat, with a mix of curiosity and caution, picks it up and looks at the oddly shaped thing, then shakes it a bit, hearing the liquid inside. And before you knew it, Kizmat's large fangs sank deeply into the membrane and slurped the liquidity contents within... **

KIZMÄT: urggh... IT TASTES LIKE PISS WAT.... [and suddenly, Kizmat drops like a fly onto the ground!!!!]
word count: 712
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The Lord of Blood
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The Transformation of Clarity

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Lacuna Coil - Entwined
Kizmat experienced a bizarre dream. He viewed the universe through the perspective of a 4th-dimensional being—a tesseract. As such, he perceived three dimensions, allowing him to see through everything. This perspective included the stars and planets and all living things—including back at the cave and through the souls of Brandon, Mamud, Obed Marsh, and even Charon Death.

As Kizmat, disoriented and bewildered, transcended through the vertices of the tesseract, he abruptly found himself on the cold, unforgiving floor of the cave. His heart pounded in his chest as he saw the troupe standing over his body in the distance. Kizmat's snarl turned into a clenched fist and a roar that echoed through the cave... but nothing happened.

He then runs forward, only to be whipped back by some unknown force. What is happening?! Kizmat felt an uneasy, queasy sensation; the walls melted, and the floor moved as he stood stationary. And the feeling of pain came and only worsened as time passed.... until he saw ghostly visions of the past emerge in front of him (and even knowing they were the past was odd to him)... at first, these visions were alien to him, but Kizmat began to struggle to make out the names and places of past events...


Kizmat saw himself in bed with a woman... embracing her with his large muscular arms... Kizmat was overcome with emotions and lust for this woman... he clenches his head in agony wishing he knew who this person was, and that was when he shot back up and whipped his head back looking straight up!!! At that moment, he screamed and yelled loudly.

Image CHARON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

word count: 320