Rules for Using Real-Life Dark Wrestlers

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Joined: Fri Jan 11, 2008 2:49 pm

Rules for Using Real-Life Dark Wrestlers

Characters explicitly based on real-life dark wrestlers are characters that anyone can incorporate into their stories, albeit once given permission to do so.

The purpose behind this is so that there is a relatable content for all players, as, sometimes it is #1) hard to find a niche in CWE being that our stories are very complex and have been ongoing for decades. #2) it allows players to relive or live out a fantasy with real-life characters.

There are several rules involved in using real-life dark characters in CWE:

1) To log in and use these characters, you must ask permission first by emailing [email protected] and providing a reason. You should also be an established player who has been playing on CWE for many months. The administrator of CWE will provide the login username and password. Note that there may be other players using this account to post with. It's important to note that you cannot delete or edit your posts under this account, nor can you delete the profile. If you are found doing these things, the consequences are severe-you will be immediately banned from the entire e-Fed for life.

2) Anyone can reference the real-life dark wrestlers, but please do this under OUR universe and reality- not what you see on real-life television. So, in other words, you must separate what you see on television- you can't extend a real-life match or feud. You may reference the gimmicks and stay in character with the real wrestler.

3) You cannot be in a match as the dark wrestler without explicit permission.

4) You cannot "god-mode" using these dark wrestlers unless it is explicitly for a storyline and nothing else.

This is the list of accepted real-life dark wrestlers. If a wrestler is not on this list, they are not allowed to be used in CWE

The Undertaker

Uncle Howdy
word count: 324