CH.14 (The Employer Arc) Main Thread: Act 3, The Lords of Darkness

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How The Lords of Darkness were sealed... a little history lesson...

Back at the technocracy, Kizmat just provided counter-contingents to Mamud...

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**Kizmat rubbed his chin and replied**
KIZMÄT: I am not too sure that we could. I accept the terms on counter-conditions. First, you grant me the authority to invoke and reapply the Lords of Darkness seal at my discretion. Second, should any harm befall me, such as a betrayal or harm to my Charon during this process, the cost will be your life.

These counter-conditions sparked Mamud to ponder deeply.

Mamud: I can only guarantee that I will help you within my power under those conditions. The question is, is that enough to satisfy your situation?

**Kizmat slowly nodded- but to the disapproval face of Charon

Charon: LOOK. Okay, before this is fully committed, Kizzy... Who exactly are the Lords of Darkness? How will they help us, if they will? I want to know what we are getting into since this could be life-threatening!

**Kizmat turns to face Charon**
KIZMÄT: More than fair enough. Charon, and to the other Creatures of the Night present, long ago before I made a pact with Alexander Arcane Senior... no... not his son, there was a leader amongst the Creatures of the Night- a wrestler by the name of The Undertaker. He commanded the forces of darkness like no other- and for decades did he rule the wrestling world. It was because of his influence and power that the Creatures of the Night developed an online website called

**Charon places her right hand on her cheek... in the background you can also see Brandon contemplating this**
Charon: I... I... I think I do remember I remember logging on to it and posting under the name of Charon Death NGFH. The site's enigma did strike me as odd. What was the significance behind the website name? Why... why can't I remember? Could it be because of the changes in time? But then, a sudden realization dawns on me- I am a guardian, immune to the time changes; I should have a clear understanding.

KIZMÄT: Because of a robust seal placed on all Creatures of the Night- you cannot remember who he is because of it. When Alexander Arcane came to me to produce a pact- he would receive COTN wrestlers with magical contracts, which fed me enormous power. The specifics of how I did that was to disrupt the COTN world by first sealing away the memory and essence of The Undertaker into his urn. This act is followed by enlisting Darkspade, your father, into luring and recruiting COTN wrestlers into the Creature Wrestling Federation.

Brandon raises his hand to speak as though he is in a classroom lecture.

Brandon: Oi... this whole thing is making my enormous hair spin... okay... mate... So, you said that you're also a Lord of Darkness... how does that work?

Image KIZMÄT: I should have made a slide deck—that's a good question. Finding The Undertaker was easy; convincing him to accept me as one of the Lords of Darkness proved the hardest. I challenged and fought The Undertaker and lost, but his respect for my capabilities was evident. Like him, he crowned me a Lord of Darkness, thus distinctively as The Lord of Blood. I worked with him and another Lord who fell under the same seal. Once I gained complete trust, I double-crossed The Undertaker by stealing the urn. I opened an access point into an ethereal plane- I sealed The Undertaker and the other Lord within so they could never interfere with Alexander Arcane's plans. When The Undertaker vanished from this mortal realm- his Creatures of the Night went hysterical, left the comfort of their isolation, and dived into the website- chatting away to find out what happened, thinking it was because of an injury that he was out of action... but it was evident over time that The Undertaker ditched his creatures. This demoralized them, and during that desperation, Darkspade easily convinced many creatures to join CWF... and as time passed, the effects of the seal took their memories away. Charon, you remember you sent me into the ethereal plane when you found this out. By then, Alexander Arcane had already forged the pact with me. So, the contracts' power continued to feed me, and eventually, I broke free.

**Brandon was regretting he ever asked**

Charon: Right. Okay. Next question: what makes you think these Lords of Darkness, once released, will help us, and how are they stronger than The Employer?

KIZMÄT: It's a risky bet, but one thing is certain- The Undertaker will stop at nothing to protect his Creatures of the Night. And if I present it in this way, how could he possibly turn down the chance to help? The Undertaker, standing alone, possesses a power that surpasses all imagination. He would be a force to be reckoned with in a world of minor and major powers. He straddles the line between darkness and light, a unique position granted to him by The Oracle herself. And if he were to fail, his lieutenant, The Lord of Dreadmare, Uncle Howdy, would become a significant threat- a threat that would include me in its scope. The Employer will have no chance against us.
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Negotiations Continue.

Brandon moves to Obed and quietly whispers to him.

Mamud speaks: "I've had a moment to think about this--I'm accepting your first term. I'm not concerned with your seal. I reject your second term. If you're hurt, I forfeit my life? No; you stub your toe and I die? Some monster breaks through our defenses while you're vulnerable and I die, unable to guide you back? We're going into a fight, you're a fighter--shoulder your burdens yourself, you might get hurt," Mamud huffed. "But, I'll agree that I'll forfeit my life IF we fail in this objective and I cannot guide you back to your body--or any similar condition that you'd consider a double cross during this action. I need the Employer removed, I can't grow in power without them gone, I cannot play a long game if reality keeps changing retroactively. Do we have a deal?" Mamud asked, raising a brow.

Brandon interrupts with a slur: "Oh that's amazing--I can see her words!"

Charon looks over and sees him drinking from a small cup, and while Obed guiltily holds a bottle.

"What? He asked if I had anything else interesting to drink; I have a consciousness expanding liquor, distilled from the hopes of the innocent elderly. It's ... well, not *harmless*, but it ... uh, has ... some effects that ...some people ask for?"

Charon decides this isn't any bullshit she needs to be involved in, and she instead turns to Kizmat to hear his answer.
word count: 263
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The Lord of Blood
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Terms Agreed.... and Finding The Undertaker's Urn

Uncheck the mute button to hear the music (if there are more than one video in this thread, for full experience, you would have to uncheck/check off them as you read, sorry).
Cannot see or hear anything? Then, READ THIS

I heal when I put my mind to something. - Dark Academia Playlist

Kizmat thought deeply upon Mamud's words... and finally nodded.

KIZMÄT: That makes sense. Even if you could ensure Charon's safety, then that means I have already failed, and The Employer has already won at that point. I do accept your terms—and that you will forfeit your life if you so fail.

Mamud: Then, take [pulls out a dagger] this and slit the inside of your palm to draw blood into this [winks to Obed to hand over a concealed vile]. This act means you accept it, and we can proceed.

Obed has to push an incoherent Brandon off of him in order to hand over the vile- Mamud held it underneath Kizmat's left hand....

Charon: Before you do this. Kizmat- answer me this- if you knew about the power of The Lords of Darkness, then why did you not invoke them when Queen Lilith threatened all of humanity- and in my timeline- she decapitated your head?

Kizmat paused mid-slicing his hand and looked towards her-

KIZMÄT: Because releasing The Lords of Darkness was the last resort, and their potential retribution would have been greater than any Apocalypse spawned from The Queen of the Damned...

SLICE!!! Image

Blood poured out from Kizmat's wound but almost immediately did the wound close and regenerated. Despite that, blood dripped into the vile and Mamud instantly closed it up with a twisted cork.

Mamud: Now. Sleep.

Kizmat's eyes instantly rolled into the back of his head as he suddenly leaned backward- but suspended in mid-air!!

Mamud: Obed. Reach into his mind and pull out the location of the Urn.

Charon was concerned-

Charon: Is all of this necessary!?

Mamud: In order to appease The Undertaker, we must have his Urn... the key to entering the ethereal plane.

Obed Marsh left wild Brandon looping around the room with a bottle- and sunk both of his hands into Kizmat's skull- to the shock of Charon- and he dived deep into The Lord of Blood's subconscious mind....

Obed Marsh: T.. this is not easy... his mind, is complex, filled with thousands of years of memories long past, but, I just might have its last known whereabouts.... it... its yes... the urn is urgh....

Mamud: What is the matter?!

Obed Marsh: .... there is interference from somewhere, a block of some kind... Mamud, can you do something about it?!

Mamud approached Obed and placed her hand on top of his shoulder.... she too felt what he felt... cold, unforgiving darkness; the location of the urn was being protected by not Kizmat but by.... [Mamud disengaged quickly]

Mamud: OBED STOP! Release your hands---

Obed Marsh removed his hands that were transfixed into Kizmat's skull....

Obed Marsh: Why... what happened?

Mamud: The Urn, its protected by The Employer. I can sense it. I can see it. This is not good. If we proceed any further, The Employer will surely know about this--- [Charon interrupts]

Charon: Then so be it!! We have no other choice- The Employer will know eventually soon that you are helping us once they realize I am the Guardian of Wickedness-- speaking of such-- is there anything that I could do to help?

In the background, Brandon was diddle-dallying around the room- swinging off from the surgery blinds to stripping down to his underwear with another new bottle in his right hand.


Mamud: It is too late for us to evade the Employer's intervention. Even now, it is deploying its minor powers, distorting reality through them and any other means to thwart us. Charon- Guardian of Wickedness- I saw the Urn is in the possession of your father- The Darkspade. He has held it since The Lords of Darkness were imprisoned... but what struck me as odd... was that he has been drawing on the Urn's power all this time- and, The Employer has been monitoring him. You, and only you, must now confront your father and retrieve the Urn at all costs- it's possible that your father also serves The Employer. I will maintain Kizmat's stability- but remember, the fate of all rests on your shoulders. Hurry!!!

This revelation shocked and not shocked Charon.

Charon: I see. I will pay my father a visit then.

word count: 767