Main Event: Charon of Death(c) VS The Darkspade [CM:XV- 07/15/2024]

Seasonal PPV Events. Shows are posted per player requests.
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The Unholy One
The Unholy One
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Stipulations and Secrets

The shock that F'ein Dacor was here, alive, and with a thing squirming in a jar was both confusing and disgusting. Darkspade was beginning to show life—although impaled—he managed to pull himself off of the rebar and flop to the side. Charon #1 ignored F'ein and rushed to her father's side on top of the ruble.

As if this wasn't going bad as is.... Richard Arcane comes through the gaping hole of the foyer and points out, "You have precisely 10 minutes left.... Kizmat will die if you fail"

The initial unreasonableness of the match was bad enough, but realizing half of the time was already over, she took Charon for a surprise. She shook her head. She looked up at F'ein, smiling devilishly alongside Charon #2...

Charon #1: I was involuntarily put into this position—I never agreed to your terms. Just because you are someone with power in CWE does not mean you can put words into my mouth and dictate things. If you want to strip me of your stupid tin title, you're pretty powerless. But I will get my hands on that urn—none of you can stop me.

::F'ein Dacor looks at Charon #2 and then back at Richard and then finishes his gaze at Charon #1::

F'ein Dacor: The situation is dire, can't you see it in Richard's eyes? He's not just desperate for a CWE rating but to appease someone. Instead of these unreasonable stipulations, let's change your opponents and remove the time limit. Not your prize.... Darkspade cannot continue.... [reaches his hand out and magically appearing in his left, a free hand was the Urn!... the monster beef in his right hand jumped around in sight of it]. Initially, I was instructed to stop you from taking this Urn- but you've piqued The Employer's interest. She she wants you to showcase what you're made of...

Charon #1: You.. you said, she?

Richard Arcane's eyes bulge....
Richard Arcane: YOU CAN'T CHANGE MY MATCH.....

F'ein Dacor: Oh. Yes. I can.

Richard Arcane stepped back....

Charon #1: What changed? Oh- I know. I can tell. You must have attacked Kizmat already. This was a distraction.

F'ein Dacor smiles. And unresponsive to Charon's question.... instead he says:
F'ein Dacor: I will personally hand this Urn to you- all you need to do is take it from me, either of you..... [Charon #2's eyes glowed red]. Do you agree, Charon?

Charon #1: Okay- I WILL agree to that.

Charon #1's teleportation was swift and sudden, catching Charon #2 off guard. As Charon #2 raised her crimson-light gun, shooting nails, the unexpected appearance of Charon #1 startled F'ein. In a swift move, Charon #1 lifted Charon #2 over her shoulder with a suplex onto the stone pavement steps, causing Charon #2 to drop her nail gun and tumble down into the garden. F'ein, carrying the Urn and the monster beef, walked away from the action to stare eerily down the steps to the two below. Richard Arcane was still around- occasionally eying Darkspade, who was slowly regenerating from his wounds.

Down in the garden, Charon #2 is standing and executes a spinning heel kick to Charon #1's side of the face- this only stunned Charon #1. Charon #1 retaliated with a spear, sending Charon #2 crashing through the glass wall into the greenhouse... where... there are tons of poisonous plants that the Death Family would nurture... The two Charons are slow to rise- but it is Charon #2 who manages to get up first, and she answers Charon #1 with a hard, deep kick into Charon #1's stomach... that causes her to spit out blood.

By this point, Darkspade was standing, holding his chest, favoring the holes caused by the rebar, squirting blood. Darkspade turns around swiftly and stares at Richard Arcane.....

DS: You.

Richard Arcane: Go. Get the Urn.... I will make it so you are still a contender in this match... It's right over there- in F'ein's hand.

DS: First, fuck you. Second, why? I overheard you are working for The Employer... why go against its wishes?

Richard Arcane: I don't take orders from the likes of F'ein Dacor. F'ein is NOT my Employer. THE Employer tasked me to find the problem in terms of itself. I still do not know entirely what the fuck that means- but- my primary job is to protect someone, someone also dear to me... I agreed to nothing else, especially taking orders from F'ein Dacor.... So. Get that Urn..... Champ.

Darkspade's wounds finally regenerated fully; he realizes that his daughter is down below fighting herself; essentially, if he is still in the fight, he can secure the Urn AND become Champion once again...
word count: 821
Total of 6 top championships [Absolute Undisputed (1- undefeated); CW Undisputed (1); CWE Undisputed (2); CWF World (2)]
Other championships: CW Dual Core Champion (2); CWE IC (3), CWF Tag Team (2); ECF X-Treme (1); CWF Hardcore (1)


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Charon Death
CWE World Champion & The Guardian of Wickedness
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Re-Joining the Fight

Darkspade hesitated- but instead of rushing to conflict F'ein Dacor and snatching the Urn, Darkspade decided to join the fray! He leaps into the air and lands on the ground- sees the two Charons fighting in the greenhouse... at first, it's hard to tell who's who, when he remembers that Charon #2 did not exhibit the lime-lighted up eyes. Darkspade noticed that only one Charon, the one on the left, was the original- and with that knowledge- he made a run for it and clotheslines Charon #2 with such momentum that she spun in the air and crashed into a table.

Charon #1 was taken aback by her father's sudden appearance, and F'ein, who was watching from a distance, was equally surprised by Darkspade's decision to re-enter the battle.

DS: This is where you say, 'right'

Charon #1: Left.

Darkspade's face twisted into a frown of confusion as he tried to make sense of the situation.

DS: Um. You meant, 'right?'

Charon #1: no LEFT... dammit, dad, move out of the way!!!

Charon #1 shoves Darkspade aside just in time to block-chop Charon #2's attempt at spearing him with a garden fork. The fork misses and instead spears the trunk of a tree.

Charon #2 growled, but that didn't stop Charon #1 from racking up the wickedness, and she conjured forth a lightning bolt that struck Charon #2 in the chest... Charon #2 falls to the floor... "Now, Dad! finish her!!!"

Darkspade nodded- he got into position, made a morning run, and turned it into a twisting spear- his gothicrusher- spearing the hell out of Charon #2... Darkspade rose to his feet- Charon #1 nodded, but suddenly and unexpectedly, she kicked Darkspade in the stomach and performed a twisted death suplex to the floor- Darkspade was out cold... F'ein watching was smiling- even the monster beef was tapping inside the gigantic glass jar in approval. This prompts Charon #1 to turn around and walk up the steps to face F'ein Dacor.

Charon #1 was just 30 feet away from F'ein Dacor, who was holding the Urn, when Darkspade, without warning, launched a gothicrusher at Charon, sending him tumbling through an empty, centuries-old stone coffin.

Darkspade rose- this time, he turned to the Urn, which was stretched out for him to grab...

F'ein Dacor: Take the Urn. Heh. And your place as CWE World Champion and the rightful owner of the Urn-- and the end to The Lords of Darkness....

Darkspade looked at F'ein Dacor's hand- the offer. And even looked at the monster beef- how did the monster beef and F'ein Dacor survive? Are they the same ones he fought millennia ago against Hra'Spyder.? But before Darkspade could decide his fate- Charon #2 was back up, and she had in her hand a plant- a plant from the tree of awakening- the same one that Serin ate from many years ago..., but Darkspade did not know that since his memories were wiped clean- oddly enough- Darkspade felt something familiar and foreboding with the plant in her hand.

Then suddenly, Charon #2 ate the fruit that was on its stem, and her whole body radiated red.... she was growing in girth as the poison coursed through her veins.... "what the actual fuck is going on here!!!????" - thought Darkspade.
word count: 568

Current CWE World Champion (2023)

Former longest reigning CW Undisputed Champion
King of Pain 2007

CW Heavyweight Champion 2009 & 2010
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Charon Death (#2)
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The Monster Beef finds a new home.

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Dive into Darkness: Lilith's Dark Ambient Music for Deep Relaxation and Meditation

The poison had an adverse side effect on her body-- she grew into a horrendous plant-thing... Image By this time, Charon #1 was back up, and she saw what had become of her clone.... she yelled out to her father: "Quick... combine your Unholy Lightning with my Wickedness- it might set her on fire!"

DS: "... alright."

Charon #2 was screaming and roaring as it tore through the greenhouse and made its way up the side of the entire patio... Darkspade closed his eyes and raised his hands-- his whole body was shining with unholy darkness... whereas Charon also closed her eyes and did the same hand movements- she was aglow with Wickedness-- and just within a few moments, Charon #2's right tentacle thing sprung forth a sharp knife made out of her bone-- it came swooping down!! At that second, Darkspade and Charon let go of their charged powers and blasted Charon #2's chest with such ferocity that it moaned and shards of its flesh came off- but it was still not enough!!! Darkspade yelled a loud, "NANOBOTS...." "What?" replied Charon #1.... "NANOBOTS... USE YOUR NANOBOTS TO AMPLY THE POWER!!!!"

Meanwhile, the monster was picking up people and eating them- like the stage crew running for their lives and manor staff. A few security officers were even trying to fire rounds at the thing- but to prevail...

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Absolute WORST CGI ever

Charon #1's eyes slowly turned a lime green.


She did as that- sent a swarm of nanobots through the current attacking Charon #2's chest, and immediately upon impact with the nanobots- Charon #2 exploded... but then, its right arm fell off, sending its enormous cleaving knife crashing down upon Darkspade and Charon!!! Charon quickly uses her nano-technology to teleport her and Darkspade to a safe distance, but F'ein Dacor is not so lucky!!! Charon #2's knife-arm mandible slices off F'ein Dacor's right hand holding the jar of the monster beef!!! The jar strikes the cement breaking into pieces- releasing the monster beef. The Urn in his left hand also tumbles somewhere into nearby patches of flowers and bushes as he falls to the ground in agony--- F'ein Dacor is screaming!!!

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Lacrimosa, but it is darker

F'ein Dacor: AWWWH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Darkspade and Charon are running towards the action, seeing the remnants of Charon #2's knife arm evaporating nearby. Charon is fixated on the monster beef, and it is slithering around like a fish out of water.

Charon #1: Ewww.... that nasty thing.... SOMEONE KILL IT!!

Darkspade was happy, too-- he began to conjure more Unholy Darkness into his fingertips when, suddenly, F'ein Dacor sat up, favoring his sliced hand. The monster beef perks up and squirts fluid at its tip before jumping into the air. It embeds itself right into the gaping hole where F'ein's hand was once!!!!!


F'ein's face turns a pale blue as the monster beef assumes his hand.... he continues to scream in pain and shock- and even tries to pry the meat out of his arm, but it is already too late- the monster beef even looks at F'ein Dacor and makes a slight smile with its flaps when all of a sudden the monster beef teleports F'ein Dacor out of the area....

This left Darkspade and the original Charon staring at each other, their faces frozen in shock, and then back at the patch of grass where the Urn could be.....

DS: Ok. Alright... yep... yep.. I am done, retiring officially for realsies after that - you can take the belt and Urn....

::Charon shakes her head::
Charon: No dad. If there is one Creature Wrestler on this planet that deserves that title- it is you. For everything you put up with and do for this sport. Go become World Champion but I still get the Urn. Deal?
word count: 787


Former longest reigning Absolute Undisputed Champion
Kreature of the McMahons 2030 Winner
King of Pain 2007
The Last CW Absolute Undisputed Champion before Chane declared himself King in 2020 (total runs: 10)
CW Universal Transfigure Transsexual Intercontinental Tag Team Championship w/ Goldyke (1)
CW Heavyweight Champion 2009 & 2010 (total 2)