Normal Types of Matches

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Normal Types of Matches


1. Pin-Fall: No interference, No Weapons, You win by scoring a pin fall, a submission (both of which needs to be in the ring.) or if your opponent gets counted out (10 Count).

2. Tag Team match: This type of match is exactly the same as Pin-fall but with a partner. Only two participants can be in the ring at once- you switch partners by tagging them.

3. HardCore Match: In a HardCore Match anything goes (Except the use of Magic), you can use weapons and have interference. Falls and Submissions count anywhere so there is no count outs.

4. Darkweight Match: This is the same as a hardcore match but allows for the use of magic in the match. pin falls and Submissions once again count anywhere.

5. Submission Match: This Match is one where all the rules are in place but the only way you can win is by count out or submission.
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