Doctor Damien Death vs Raven of Death: CWF Title

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*an explsion!!.......* (by Dalkiel (UM))

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<embed src= hidden=false autostart=true loop=false>
*and the entrance ramp explodes into Black and Purple Falmes, out from the center comes Dalkiel, he sprints down the ramp and slithers into the ring to be met by four stomping feet. Both kick on Dalkiel, they pick him up and whip into the ropes, Dalkiel bounce off and goes back towards Doc and RAven, they go for a double clothsline but Dalkiel ducks it and bounces off the other side of the ropes and delievers a double clothsline of his own. He quickly picks up Doc and knees him in the face a few times and then tosses him over the top rope, whips around and picks up Raven and Delievers a Devilz Powerbomb in the center of the ring.*


*he smiles wickedly as Doc slides back in the ring and clobbers Dalkiel in the head with a steel chair sending him out of the ring. Doc runs back to the ropes bounces off them and suicide dives into Dalkiel sending them both to the ground. Both get up, Dalkiel spits his red venom into Doc's eyes and piledrives him into the ground.*

[color=990066]Dalkiel[/color]: ..................

*He just stands there smerking, evilishly smileing, while his eyes glow oh so red. He turns and walks into the flames*

King: What the hell was that all about?

JR: Obvousily Dalkiel still has a grudge against RAven for defeting him for the title and then using his name to catapult him higher.

King: Um, yeah, ok whatever. Oh man, I wonder how this is going to turn out now. I mean these two guys have already been through a beating, then there out here beating each other senseless and out comes that Purple Fruit Cake Dalkiel to stick his horns in it.

JR: Um, King you mean Fruit Loop.

King: Yeah right, anyway.

JR: Well, all I got to say is that the Demon Prince certanly isn't sitting in the back taking it easy since his returned. He has already interfeared with at least 3 other matches or has made himself seen.

King: Yeah that big dumb opfh caused some major problems earlier tonight.

JR: Im sure that it will be dealt with king. At least I hope so.

(A side note: An error on my behalf has me using JR and the King instead of SS and Blade, just pretend your listing to the Spanish Comntators hehe.)
word count: 409
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Dalkiel must not want back in that badly (by Prez SupersInc)

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Otherwise he'd no better then to interfer with my matches. Nice of him to make a cameo, cause of he does any more they will refer to him as Scott Hall.
word count: 32
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They can bring it. (by Prez SupersInc)

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"I hope for your sake DA isn't listening in tonight, Prez. She might take exception to that spunk comment. Whatever else Raven's wife is, she's an outstanding competator when she enters the squared circle. And while Doc may like his new belt, it's one she's held for a long, long, time. Maybe she'll demonstrate some of the techniques she used to hold onto it on you, as a history reminder...ouch! They're wasting no time tonight!"

If anyone gets that brave. I made a reputation of beating Doc for belts in my time in the ring. That why we have a long standing rivalry. That why we have a deep respect. Adn thats why he is now the Game. And quite possible once again the new CWF Champion.
word count: 135