CH.14 (The Employer Arc) Main Thread: Act 3, The Lords of Darkness

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Locating the Scepter of Lord Mortis

Flashback to the very distant past as mentioned last here: ... 1558#p1558

Darkspade had quite enough of this... that was when Cadmus realizes a plan....

Cadmus: "Look... we're unable to do anything here. We must find the Undisputed Mortal Wrestling Championship belt..."

"But I thought it was lost in time...."

Cadmus: "True... but there IS an artifact that can locate the belt... Lord Mortismere's scepter.... The scepter was designed by Aeean Hades to not only find any key, but it will send the holder to whichever time period is best to acquiring it."

"But.. that was destroyed by me and Charon...."

Cadmus: "Right. It was. IN YOUR past... but in my reality Lord Mortismere's scepter was only damaged, Mortismere was not sent with you and Charon into the Gate of Balance after a failed arch-light.... the scepter was rebuilt and he used it to tempt Angel of Death into becoming his Empress. [Spade looks confused as normal]... we already changed the timeline you knew. I am actually astral projecting into this reality from the future, and, I am immune to The Employer's influences, so."

"The... The Employer?"

Camdus: "Right. Listen. As the Guardian of Balance you can transverse through time, but with my help, you will be unzipped back into "DARKSPADE"... the body.... and you might have a new dialogue tag abbreviation for your name...., I will send your body through the astral plane, and your unholy powers, like a magnet, will propel you to the right time where you can find the scepter. USE the scepter... it will act like a beacon and take you to the belt in that time... your other pieces will remain here as anchors and means to ward off this transvestite dooder.

... Darkspade sighs....

I know we must have defeated Red Spyder, because, well, I exist right now to speak to you, but to ensure that we don't cause a time paradox- you have to do this! Find the scepter... use it to locate the belt... and listen, destroy the scepter in order to return back here AND with the belt..... if you wait too long, who knows what may happen, the reality in which you go to might change. So, got it? GOT IT?!"

Spade was perplexed and that was when Red Spyder hurled a boulder at them by just kicking it with his high-heel shoes!!!!


And with that..... Cadmus swiftly placed the palm of his right hand on top of Spade's head-- they both closed their eyes-- Cadmus then shoved Spade backwards--- his soul and spirit separated from his body and appeared!, and as such, DARKSPADE remained.... Cadmus releases his palm and propelled DARKSPADE through an astral rift-- letting fate to decide where he ends up.

At that moment- the large boulder impacted the earth where once Spade was at... but the impact sent Cadmus soaring into the air and tumbled to the ground....

.... Spade's soul... and The Unholy Knight of Darkness.... his spirit suddenly stand in-between Camdus and "Red" Spyder from CreatureVania....

Image "Haaahhh.... well... LOOK at that... two more little bunnies emerged... this is going to be FUN!"

The next scene was somewhere very dark, very dreary, and very dusty. A monstrous rift cuts through the fabric of space-time, and out emerges Darkspade... he falls from the rift... hits his head against a statue of sorts, and rolls on the ground in agony!!!

**Gets up slowly, brushes off the dust**
DS: Err. Urgh. W. wha.. what just happened, and, why is my dialogue tag blue? **looks down** and why can I see my junk... OMG I AM NAKED! THE TIME TRAVEL STRIPPED OFF MY CLOTHES!


Darkspade was dazed, but he understood he'd better find somewhere fast to hide- and so- he looks around in a frenzy and sees a wardrobe- no time to be picky- he opens it and hides in the back of the mink coats and closes the door... he could remained as quiet as a mouse but peaked through the small slits in the door of the wardrobe to vaguely depict what appeared to be hooded guards holding torches entering the room he is in.... "CRAP. This is NOT GOOD..."
word count: 723
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Charon Death (#2)
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Unexpected surprise....

Uncheck the mute button to hear the music (if there are more than one video in this thread, for full experience, you would have to uncheck/check off them as you read, sorry).
Cannot see or hear anything? Then, READ THIS

Cabaret Nocturne - Blind Trust

The hooded figures looked in many places in the room and were just about to reach for the handle to the large cabinet- when an oddly familiar female voice was heard... From Darkspade's perspective, he could only see shuffling and voices. "Yes, ma'am," resonated from the hood figures, and the door shut. Spade was looking through the slit and saw nothing more until two eyes emerged on the other side of the large cabinet slit, and the door opened wide... Darkspade pours out, lands on the floor, again butt naked!!!

????: "Right."

**Darkspade turns unto his back.. causing the female to swiftly turn her head off to the side... she quickly took a mink-looking coat from off of a hanger in the large cabinet and flung it ontop of Darkpade...

????: "Bloody hell.. COVER YOURSELF!"

**Darkspade does just that and covers himself with the mink coat, he rises and comes face-to-face with an unexpected presence....
DS: "C.. ch... CHARON!!!?"

Charon: "I... I should know you... oh yes!! of course!! Dad, right? Look. I do not know how you got here- but you need to leave this place!!"

DS: "I am not leaving until use Mortismere's scepter to locate something of vast importance...."

**Charon tilts her head to the right**
Charon: "Uh... do you realize how nuts that sounds?! Use.. USE Mortismere's scepter.... if he catches a single glimpse of your presence here he will not only kill you but me... so absolutely not!"

**Charon tries to pull Darkspade but he does not budge**
DS: "Look. Okay. Let's start from the beginning.... I am assuming I traveled through time and space to get close to the scepter, at a time, it is very strong. So, with that said, what day and year is this?!"

Charon lets go of Darkspade's sleeve
Charon: "Mate. It's approximately 513 A.D."

DS: "HOLY SH#^T!!! Reeaaaalllllllyyyyyy?! Uhm.... okay... and how did you end up here!"

Charon: "Ugh. Look. I am not who you think I am... yes... yes I am Charon but I am a Charon from an alternative reality that originated in your future, but, traveled back in time to stop Hra'gad... the last thing I remember was I went through another time portal when I met YOUR Charon... but something happened and instead of returning to the present, I got flung to a time when Lord Mortismere ruled portions of known world. When I came here- he immediately fell in love, and well, you see, I am his wife. Okay. I guess you could say I am Lady Charon of Mortis.... but that's aside from the most important point... AGAIN. YOU CANNOT BE HERE and you can't have the scep...."

**Darkspade interrupts**
DS: "... but without the scepter, I cannot defeat Hra'Spyder from Transylvania....

**Charon does a double-take**

Charon: "Hra'who... fro what-a-bob-vania.... WHAT?!"

DS: "EXACTLY!!!! Which is why I must find the scepter FAST!!! OR WE'RE ALL SCREWED!!!!"
word count: 547


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The Lord of Blood
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Oh great, a baddy we've been called to defeat and save the day....

The Lord of Blood, Kizmat, an enigmatic and powerful figure, emerged from the depths of time, breaking free from the chains that had bound him. The gourd, a key to his liberation, granted him the power to unravel the intricate web of deceit spun by time. With this newfound ability, he was granted glimpses of a life he had never lived, a life that unveiled a brutal truth-in their world, Kizmat was executed by Lilith.

**Charon, overcome with emotion, rushed into Kizmat's outstretched arms. Their lips met in a kiss that seemed to stretch on for an eternity... The troupe, basking in the warmth of their reunion, remained in the cave until Brandon guided them back to the technocracy. There, the party, their minds buzzing with possibilities, engaged in a spirited discussion about their next strategic moves...

KIZMÄT: So. Just a recap here. There is another one of these all-powerful mother-fuckers out there, pulling the strings, and it's up to us to stop them? So basically, it's business as usual. Oh, great.

Charon: Right. That about sums it.

Obed Marsh and Mamud look to each other.... with Mamud standing up from his seat first to say:

Mamud: Whelp. I did my part- buh bai !

Charon: WAIT!!!! what do you mean, you're just going to waltz out of here?! What's the next step?!

Mamud: I appointed YOU as the Guardian of Wickedness. It's YOU that has to come up with the next step. As I said before, The Employer can control the minds of those not protected- you have just as much knowledge as I do about that individual now--

**Kizmat rubs his pointy chin**
KIZMÄT: Good. Go-- you are a minor power in your own right. You served your function—except... there is something we could use your help with.

Mamud: What exactly could that be?

KIZMÄT: The Employer needs others to do its bidding; they too are shackled by laws and forces... but there is a forbidden trinity amongst the Creatures of the Night that we revere most of all, a force that is greater than The Employer. [Brandon and Charon look at each other perplexed]. I am speaking of The Lords of Darkness. We bring them back into play- I guarantee that not even this Employer would stand a chance!!
word count: 394