General Guide

This board is used for Guides/Bios/Development which help players know how to act and even how use your characters properly in RPS and matches. NOTE: you cannot use guides to over power your character(s). Some sense of weakness/strengths must be present. The purpose of this guide is to show the mannerism of your character and how far to go etc... when engaging them on the board.
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General Guide

Basic Step-by-Step Guide to posting and using the E-Fed

Step 1: Developing your character:
* The first thing you need to do is to develop your character(s). Create a BIO (biography) for your character(s). This bio can be then posted on the BIO EDITOR -or- posted on the CW E-Fed Board.
* After devising your BIO you need then to use your BIO as your basic framework of how to approach the game. So iow if your a 6'0" lightweight character you cannot approach the game as a 7'0" giant character.
* E-mail fellow players and introduce yourself to them and/or introduce yourself on the OOC boards.

Step2: Engaging the Game:
* THE VERY FIRST THING YOU DO, especially if your a new player, is to contact players and see if they are interested in an angle/storyline. If you are having a hard time contacting a player, you can email any of the officials, use the ooc board or try and show your presence on the boards. Do not assume that joining the e-fed is all you have to do, you have to show on the boards and make yourself known.
* Choose a gameboard to start playing. It can be complicated at first, but, CW has 3 gameboards- but they all have specific purposes that allows you to enjoy this virtual environment in unique and interesting ways.

1. CWE E-Fed Gameboard: This is the main gameboard that you will be playing on and is regarded as any situation related to the CWE E-Fed Brand. This is everything from story lines, feuds,challenges, angles and even impromptu match fights. This is the FIRST place to go to in order to play the game. This board does NOT require a login to post, but, you must login with a network54 account name in order to use HTML in your posts.

2. CW Event Board: This board is where we hold all of the official events. We have many types of events. In addition, there is options to use this board for rpging. In order to use this board, however, you are required to register/login. Any additional characters must be added by an official (or you can use a different email address).

3. CW E-Fed/Special Board: This board is used for any situation related to the CW E-Fed Brand.. In addition, this board provides a unique alternative gameplay that can use 'creaturebucks' points to purchase items and even post outcomes by your participation in the gameplay. This is also the home for CWB4Pro and for any ooc topics/planning. To be able to use this board, you are required to use a login/pass.

* Post! This means stirring the pot, get attention... anything and everything! But do this in a mature, meaningful way. By default, ALL storyline posts (non-official match related) is OPEN. So that means you can butt into a storyline. If a storyline/post is (closed) which is usually written somewhere in the post itself, like towards the bottom, then you must contact the players involved in the storyline in order to gain permission to "butt in."

Step 3: Multimedia
* You will notice that we use flash and music to produce unique entrances! The boards support HTML (except the e-fed board- that supports BBCode) and you can use most basic html scripts to make you posts stand out. If you require assistance into adding multimedia to your posts, please contact an official or a fellow player.

Step 4: Winning titles/further developing your character:
* To win a match you must develop your character. The more posts you do, the more you gain attension and can start developing your reputation. Don't assume that you will win by default against someone that has been fighting a lot longer. If you post and strengthen your character- even by using all of the resources provided by the game then you can increase your chances to become highly successful in this E-Federation!
* There are other ways to develop your character other than in a match. You can participate in tournaments, get elected in an in-game official rank- the game is very flexible! Anything can happen.

Role Tags
The game uses specific role tags that help drive the game properly. Here are some of the game tags you will see:
1. (TITLE) = players will place this tag in the NAME section of a post to show what their title is. This can be actual belt titles or positions. Including, factions you are in. If you have multiple tags then you will separate each tag with an apostrophe.
Example: (CW Undisputed Champion, Bloodsyn)

2. (TF: insert here the time information) = Timeframe. This very useful tag allows you to understand when this event was taken place. This can be past, present or future. This is typically used to indicate when a situation happens after an event even if the event is underway.

3. (ooc: ) = Means out-of-character. These notes are usually cues to your reader/responder giving them instructions. Please do NOT use these as drama, ranting etc. You will be required to remove those.

4. (closed) or (open) = This indicates if the post is a closed storyline post and cannot be replied too unless by the designated people. If it's open, then the post is open for posting.

5. (TF Block: time-> time) = This special timeframe block is used for tournament events to control the segment of elimination. In a TF Block a specific action or situation occurs before moving off to the next TF Block. The time shown is "game-play time" and just used to indicate how long the segment of time elapse before the next time happens in-game.

Types of Posts You Can Do On The RPG Boards
The game's pace is completely by when you post. Basically, the time between events is when your developing for the next event.

* If your a new player, starting a new character or just want to show the entire e-fed that your here- then you can post a DEBUT post. A Debut post can be a scene, challenge, interview etc... that is open ended and starts to form the structure behind your character. An example of a simple debut post can be this:
A debut if possible
by kaku
A strange man can be seen walking in the darkness the strange man is wearing a dark black robe and all you can see is his red eyes. the dark character starts to talk.

Kaku: my destiny awaits me. somewhere within the darkness i will find the light. I will finally raise hell again. The dead will walk the earth, And hell's gates will finally be opened to rain the fresh smell of death throughout the universe. At last i will finally be free of the misery and pain. NO! I will never be free of the pain. I try hard but it never stops the pain always keeps going. It never stops. MAKE IT STOP!! NO, i don't want it to, I won't let it.

the dark creature starts walking towards a building the man continues to talk.

Kaku: Yes, CWE. maybe they will finally cure my pain, NO! IT WILL NEVER GO AWAY NEVER!!! eventually the power will become too much the reaper of death cannot be stoped after that happends. there will be hell to pay for whoever crosses me. I will find my cure or cast my curse upon the cwe. They will never understand. I don't want them to understand me. I don't care if they understand me. The cards of fate has been drawn for the cwe. and it spells doom in there future

it suddenly starts to rain heavily and starts to storm as lightning strikes the camera and it goes to static.

Challenging/Call Outs:
* A challenge post targets a champion, specific wrestler, group of wrestlers or even anybody interested to a contest. This step is crucial to begin a feud with a player and can take on many forms and in many varieties such as a backstage scene.

* The contest typically is held on the next event coming up. -OR- you can challenge and fight on the rpg board (if it's official). Usually you put (Challenge) in the subject header of the post or indicate that this is a challenge somewhere in the role play.

* Challenges can be official or non-official. BUT for it to be official you must contact the people involved in the challenge and agree to an official confrontation. A champion can drop their title in a challenge on the rpg boards for as long as their STF has ended, however, 1. you and the champion must agree to the drop; and 2. you and the champion must contact an official.

* If it's non-official, then by default, the challenger can decide to accept your challenge or not (iow reply to you). If you put in a lot of work into the challenge and develop this- then the challenger will be ordered to face the challenge on an event- even if the challenger doesn't agree to accept your challenge. We do this so that your efforts are not wasted and a challenger cannot just ride you off.

* TIP: you cannot include characters you do not control in a post (iow: write as them) unless you are in a stable (a group/faction), or gained permission.

RP Scene:

* You do not need to write all the time as if your in an arena or even as if your on television. You can write RP scenes which are short stories that can be completely unrelated or related to the wrestling organization. RP scenes are a great way to develop your character and can drastically improve your writing style. It also can include many other people and provide a time line for your character(s). RP scenes, if given permission, can be written with other players in the scene (iow: writing as them). RP scenes are the most common type of post in the game play- you can easily recognize a RP scene because it doesn't challenge anybody to an official right-- but can include fighting.

Saga Posts:
* Sometimes you may wish to produce a series of RP scenes that are epic and even massive (usually lasting for weeks or months or even years). These types of posts are a string of RP scenes that tell a story and can be interwoven with events. These usually tell a greater depth of a character(s) or situation.

Stable/Faction Posts:
* A Stable/Faction/Group is a collection of wrestlers that have allied with one another for a common cause. If you join one of these then anybody in the group can write for anybody in a RP scene etc... There is usually an opposing Stable/Faction and you may also write scenes with those opposing people too- BUT you cannot post a post that has godmoding in it. Which means, writing a post that mindlessly attacks a player with no defense for them in the post. Read the following example:
Unacceptable faction vs faction post
It's Time to Fight
by The Devils

Johny enters the ring with his faction partners Carl and Tazz representing "The Devils" faction. Suddenly, their opposing faction "The Saints" comes out and runs to the ring.

Johny decimates The Flamez KarlKnox over the head with a steel chair.... Carl and Tazz take out the rest of the "The Saints" and win the day.
Acceptable faction vs faction post
It's Time to Fight
by The Devils

Johny enters the ring with his faction partners Carl and Tazz representing "The Devils" faction. Suddenly, their opposing faction "The Saints" comes out and runs to the ring.

Johny decimates The Flamez KarlKnox over the head with a steel chair.... Carl confronts Snake Earl Johns by running at him with a clothesline- REVERSAL! Snake Earl Johns instead ducks and decks Carl with a running knee lift.... BUT WAIT! Tazz comes from the side and nails Carl with a diamond cutter....

The Devils look down at the Saints and leave the ring... the Saints are completely out of it but revenge will come at the next ppv.
* In a confrontation like this- the ending depends on the posters. However, do not brush off an attack if your attacked. Only exception would be if the attack is invalid and/or if the post that attacked you was not an acceptable amount of effort/length. If nobody can come to a means to an ending, then the ending happens on the 5th post from the original. -or- you may email an official to call the ending.

Backstage scenes/Promotional/Interviews:
* You may also post a post that promotes your wrestler. This can take on many forms such as a backstage scene, promotional, interview etc... essentially anything you see on wrestling tv... you may post that here.

Common Characters
Always check out the BIO section to get an idea who is who in the efed. Below is a very basic understanding of the default characters you can engage in the gameplay without any restrictions. Please always try and contact the players FIRST to reduce problems with posting times and other issues that resolve.

1. Board of Directors: A collection of stock holders that controls the flow of the company. Collectively, the BOD can overturn any officer, including the Chairman. The Chairman and CWE DP are also members of the board.

2. Mr. Alexander R. Arcane II: At one time Alexander was the CEO and Chairman of the company. But after successfully ruling over CreatureWrestling for 5 years he became obsessed with controlling the fate of his creature of the night wrestlers. Mr. Arcane's power came to an end when he won the CWE Undisputed Championship and proclaimed that he will forever be named champion.
word count: 2336
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