Intense Match Syles

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Intense Match Syles


1. Texas Tornado Match: This is the standard tag team match in the CW, Both members of each team can be in the ring at the same time. You win by scoring a pinfall, submission (Both of which needs to be in the ring.), or count out. Only one member has to be beat for the team to lose.

2. Ladder Match: In a ladder match there is an object (Usually a title) that is suspended high in the air and the only way to get it is by climbing the ladder and grabbing it. The first person to do this wins the match. Use of Weapons are permitted as well as interference.

3. Weapons Match: This is a match where the opponents only use one weapon (usually their preferred one) Other than the use of a weapon all other rules apply. (The Pin or Submission must take place in the ring. Count outs are also in effect.)

4. Weapon On A Pole Match: In this type of match a weapon is placed on top of a pole in the corner of the ring. The first person to get to the weapon is aloud to use it. that person is also declared the winner.

5. Hell In A Cell: This match is a hardcore match that takes place in a lage steel cage that there is no escaping from, the door to the cell is locked until the match is over. The use of weapons is aloud but the pin fall or submission must occur in the ring. There is no count outs.

6. Last Man Standing Match: This is a hardcore match were the only way to win is be standing. Every time you are on the mat the ref will start a 10 count, if you are not up before the end of the 10 count you lose.

7. Street Fight: Is a battle that takes place in the parking lot or elsewhere outside the arena. You win by scoring a pin fall or submission.

8. Brawl (By Location): This is a match were although the battle is hardcore it is only in a certain location. The winner is the first to score a pin fall or Submission. (example: Computer Lab Brawl - 2000 KOTR)

9. Best 2 Out of 3 Falls: The object of this match is to get 2 out of 3 wins, the first person that gets 2 victories via Pin Fall, Submission, Count out (A victory is determined by the match stipulations) is the winner.

10. Lumberjack Match: This is a normal match in all aspects the only difference is that the ring is surrounded by other wrestlers who if you are thrown out of the ring will put you back in the ring by force. The winner is the first to score a pin fall or submission.

11. Gauntlet Match: In a Gauntlet match one person has to face off against a series of others. Only one member of the Gauntlet can be in the ring at a time and when they are eliminated (Pinfall, Submission, Count out.), The next member comes to the ring. this continues until ether the lone wrestler is eliminated or the Gantlet team is eliminated.

12. Triple Threat Match: In a Triple Threat Match the first person of the three opponents to score a victory wins. (Victory is based on match stipulations)

13. Triangle Match: A Triangle Match is similar to a Triple Threat Match the difference is when a person is defeated they are eliminated. This continues until there is one person left.

14. Fatal Four Way Match: This is a triple threat match with 4 opponents. All the opponents are in the ring at the same time and the first person to score a victory wins. (Victory is based on match stipulations.)

15. Fatal Four Way Elimination Match: This is like a triangle match with 4 opponents where the people are eliminated until one person is left, that person is the winner. (Victory Based on other match Stipulations.)

16. Red Button Match: To win, A team member must make it to a red button at the top of the ramp and press the button of the opponent or opposing team. The button triggers an explosive devise that is attached to the wrestlers causing third degree burns. If you press the wrong button and blow yourself up or your team then you lose. (However it would be an accident because the buttons are marked clearly. The ring has a constant stream of flames coming out of the corners and the buttons themselves are surrounded by a ten foot fence topped by strands of barbwire.

17. Strap Match: Both apponents are have a long leather strap that has an end tied around each of their wrists. The first person to touch all four ring posts consecutively wins.

18. Table Match: The winner is the first person to put their opponent through a table.

19. Dog Collar Match: In this match both opponents wear dog collars and are attached by a dog chain, you win but a pinfall or Submission.

20. Cement Mixer Match: The Ring is surrounded by a moat of quick drying cement, you win the match by scoring a pin fall, submission or throwing your opponent into the cement.

21. First Blood Match: The first person to cause the other to bleed from a decent wound is the winner of a first blood match.

22. Testicular Fortitude Match: Starts as a hardcore cell match in which random stipulations will be added or changed every 5mins by the ref or an official. Anything can happen.

23. Lions Den Match: A circular ring with a cage around it & a lil walk ramp around the top... Beat your opponent & the way to win is to get the hell outta the lion's den.

24. Tables, Ladders and Charis (OH MY!) Match: Regular hardcore match with loads of tables, ladders and chairs.

25. Scaffold Match: There are scaffolds hanging bout 20 feet above the ring & tables filling the whole ring piled a top each other... if you fall down or get knocked off, you lose.

26. Handicap Match: This match is usually 2 on 1. Basically, someone outnumbers the other and/or a special stipulation may be in effect that causes the match to be against the odds for one of the participants.

27. Steel Cage Match: A smaller cage than the Hell in the Cell- a rectangular cage is connected to the ring. The winner is the one that can first either exit through the door or over the cage, and touch the floor with both feet firmly on the ground!

28.Stake in the Heart Match: Casket with a large stake inside, is provided at ringside!! Whoever can take his opponent and stake them in any portion of the body wins!!! (Variations can include: Hell in Cell, inferno etc, Submitted by DS).

29. Through Hell and Back Match: "It is no disqualification and darkweight rules. At the start of the match the area surrounding the ring will be set on fire. After three minutes a portal will appear in the ring. As soon as one man steps into it, it will transport them both to a location of his choosing. Once in this location, wherever it may be, the fight will continue. After another three minutes the portal will appear again. The fight will continue in different locations until the portal randomly returns both men to the ring. Once in the ring they will battle it out with one pinfall or submission deciding the match. Of course don't forget the fire surrounding the ring." (submitted by Ric Slade, 2003).

30.Hardcore Heaven: First of all the crowd are protected by an enclosed dome of plastic that surrounds the ring also meaning that no wrestler can escape. In and around the ring are scattered myriad weapons along with several strip lightbulbs (Lightbulbs in long stripes rather than an actual bulb). Inside these lightbulbs are timers set at random times at which point they explode sending glass flying out (note the need for the plastic dome). Six competitors enter the ring. There is no referee inside the dome for obvious reasons and therefore the winner is the last person conscious. (submitted by DNA, 2003).

31. Flaming barbed wire cell match: This match is a hell in a cell, but on both sides of the steel cell (inside and outside) there is barbed wire covering it the whole way. Also, the ring is surrounded by flames. And also the ropes are made of barbed wire, along with the turnbuckles and turnbuckle pads being wrapped in it. The fire is very wild and quite often random bits of flame will fly into the ring. (Submitted by Plague, 2003).

32. Building site match: It's basically a hardcore match but fought out in a building site with all the bricks, cranes structures etc. (submitted by Plague, 2003).

33. Body Bag Match: This is no holds barred. The winner is the one to put his opponent in a body bag and zip it closed.
word count: 1522