Observing from A Far

Used for developmental stories and feuds.
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Mortal TV
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Joined: Tue Jun 05, 2012 5:29 pm

Observing from A Far

Once the news was released on the CreatureWrestling website that Alexander Arcane has invested in a brand new organization.... the Mortal Wrestling Entertainment.... the entire Creaturedom ignited with a buzz but more so of controversy. Of all of the individuals to pay heed to the changing of times- was a person thought to have been "cured" of the burden of darkness.

The scene crossfades into a closeup of a flickering burning candle stick seated upon a black piano. At the keys- was a 'man' we could not completely see due to the unfocused camera lens... but what we surely do see is his twisted fingers punching at the notes... after a slow pan of the camera from the left to the right of the piano... Image the man hits a low note and then slowly and methodically looks up at the camera to reveal the face of "Reverend Jones...."


For those not knowing who this "man" was.... he was once the NSA broadcasting president. An organization much like the USA channel- housing CW televised events and pay-per-views. The Reverend was a twisted and hypocritical bible freak who denied the fact that he was actually the patriarch to the Death Family- a family of creatures.

The Reverend grins devilishly knowing that Alexander is trying to revive the sport- a sport in which the Reverend sealed and placed away - far away.... Creature Wrestling.

It amused the Reverend... an organization for humankind... pathetic and laughable. Standing up- The Reverend left the piano and then walked up some short steps to then stand in-front of a glossy and dusty window. It was night time... and the only shimmer of light came from the haunting moonlight in the dark and dreary sky.

With the moon light covering the Reverend's face... he placed his right index finger on the window and smeared off some dust to write the letters MWA..... then with a snarl he punched his fist right through the glass breaking it through and now as our point of view is outside looking up at the window the Reverend smashed--- you can see his vampyre eyes aglow with bloodlust.


War to the Human Race.
word count: 363
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