B4Pro Episode 2: New Changes and A New CWmwe Champion

Parodies or Career and life before Creature Wrestling
Daneel Olivaw

Re: CWmwe Episode 2: New Changes and A New CWmwe Champion

Engaging boot sequence....

log on user: Daneel Olivaw

All systems logged on and running with no errors.

"Ugh, what's that noise?"

Daneel woke to what he took to be a catastrophic faliure of his cyborg implants, only to realise that he had been laying on his arm and it had gone dead!!

"who is that dreadful woman? and why is that annoying litte man making such a racket?"

Daneel got up and walked over to the bathroom door only to find it locked.

"#would somebody mind telling me what is going on?"
word count: 93
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