[6/13/12] Concert Segment: Gunther

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[6/13/12] Concert Segment: Gunther

Post by Admin »

All eyes turn towards the stage....
word count: 6
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The Sex God
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Re: [6/13/12] Concert Segment: Gunther

Post by Gunther »

Suddenly- the lights dimmed as a gigantic disco ball illuminated the entire area along with strobe lights shinning everywhere! The entire arena erupted with cheers! Then- out come a swarm of Sunshine Gurls on the MWE stage- bopping their heads i the ding dong and shaking their booties!!


As the Sunshine Gurls warm up the crowds....from the rafters- Gunther is lowered by suspension cables and as he descends he lands on a stuffed pussy cat doll... while on the pussy cat... the camera zooms in on his face... and with an exotic and seductive smirk- Gunther smacks his blistering hot and slippery when wet lips with the words...........

Gunther: Mmmmmeow!! I'm your pussy, I'm your pussy pussycat....I'm your tiger, if you want me like that!!!

**More Dancing and ding donging!**


Gunther: Come taste my milk!! Mmm taste my milk!!



Gunther: Mmms that's SEXY!

Sunshine Gurls: Gimme more, gimme more, gimme more like that

Gunther: Mmm I'm your pussy pussycat!


Sunshine Gurls: Oh babe, babe babe babe!!!

Gunther: Love love love me, meow!!!

**Gunther now drops to his hands and knees in-front of a plate full of milk and joins in on drinking the milk along with the kittens.... suddenly, Gunther picks up a kitten and licks the rest of the milk off of the kitten's face and poses for the camera.....**


Gunther: Come taste my milk!! Mmm taste my milk!!

Sunshine Gurls: Gimme more, gimme more, gimme more like that... OH baby baby baby!!!

**Gunther was seen suckling on the nipples of a momma kitty cat, he turns with milk on his mustache and says....**


Gunther: MEOOOOOWWWWW!!!!!!!!!
word count: 276

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