Taking it all end....

Used for developmental stories and feuds.
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Taking it all end....

[ERP for Eye of the Storm]

Kizmat all but gave up trying to locate the leader of the Covenant- he instead- decided to pay a visit to the arena in which the MWE will be taking place... as Kizmat exited from a black swirling portal- he accidentally bumps into a wrestler he remembered from CW... the two stared coldly at each other and the human wrestler walked away.... Kizmat was left there staring back at him in disgust.

KIZMÄT: There is NO RESPECT. NONE at all from these weak minded humans. WHAT was Alexander thinking... WHAT is his true agenda!!! I must know.... and the only way to do that is to become a MWE wrestler and fight in tonight's program...

Kizmat sighed and then the next scene shows Kizmat materializing in-front of Alexander in his office.

Alexander Arcane: Humph I knew you would come back.

KIZMÄT: I want a contact, and I want to be featured on the Eye of the Storm event.

::Alexander puts down his drink and leans against his table with his arms crossed::
Alexander Arcane: What if I say no.

KIZMÄT: This is not a request- this is my demand.

::Alexander chuckles::
Alexander Arcane: Ha ha ha.... good ol' Kizmat. [turns over to pick up a folder with Kizmat's name on it] Here.... fill it out. It's your contract.... I knew you couldn't resist... the old Kizmat is locked up in there somewhere.... I can feel it... and after you sign, YOU will be working for a greater cause....

Kizmat's eyes turn blood red
KIZMÄT: ...... I am not working for you or some cause. I am here to prove a point....

Alexander Arcane: Oh really?

KIZMÄT: Creatures of the Night is the evolution to mankind- we are superior to you in every single way. MWE will go down Alexander... your insane manifest destiny will stop by my hands.

[Kizmat finished signing the contract by using his nail as a pen and the fluid was his own blood]

Alexander Arcane: ..... well then. You'll get your chance at Eye of the Storm. And I have the perfect opponent for you.....

[Scene Fades]
word count: 367
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