[6/13/12] John Baine VS Caleb White

John Baine

Re: [6/13/12] John Baine VS Caleb White

Post by John Baine »

John smirks as the two circle the ring staring each other down, they walk towards each other and lock up again. John hooks Caleb into the gut and snaps him into a DDT, Caleb clenches his had as John kneels down next to him. He cocks back his right fist and lays down some heavy shots to the head.

Michael Cole: "Looks like Baine is not going to show any remorse."

King: "Its still early in the match, anything could happen!

John stands up as Caleb rolls out of the ring and uses the cage to help him self up. John rolls out of the ring and looks under the ring for a weapon. He pulls out a sledgehammer and smiles, he goes to walk over to White but he back peddles towards the cell door. John runs towards Caleb and tries to hit him. Caleb moves out of the way and John hits the door breaking the lock that held it closed. John drops the hammer clenching his hands that are now ringing in pain. Caleb runs towards John and spears him into the cage. John clenches his back in pain, Caleb goes on the offensive and lays some heavy shots to John against the cage. He lays off of John for a second and kicks the door open of the cell. He walks out and leans against the barricade for a breather.

King: "He better not take to long or bad bad things could happen to him!"

John sees that Caleb had escaped and he goes to follow, Caleb shakes his head and looks for a way out. He looks up and gets a running jump at the cage, he begins to climb to the top of the cell. He looks down at John and laughs, John shakes his hand a begins to climb to the top of the cage. Caleb stomps on his hand leaving John dangling 20 ft up.

John Baine: "Caleb don't let me fall!"
word count: 331
caleb white

Re: [6/13/12] John Baine VS Caleb White

Post by caleb white »

Caleb looks at him and grabs the other hand placing it on the side of the cage. Making it able to climb to the top.

Michael Cole: "What is he doing! He's an idiot!"

King: "Some times winning isn't everything jack a**!"

Caleb backs away as John struggles to the top. John quickly attacks the knee of Caleb taking him down.


John goes to pull Caleb up, but Caleb sneaks in a low blow. He laughs as he suplexs John on the cage. It begins to crack at the bindings a little. John clenches his back in pain, Caleb walks over above the second cage(which is side by side with the first). John goes to run and clothes line Caleb, but Caleb jumps high above Baine and lands behind him. He runs towards John and hits a hurricarana! John flips hard and FALLS THROUGH THE ROOF! The fans go crazy as Caleb stands above looking down. He smiles as he turns to the crowd and throws his hands in the air.

Michael Cole: "My words exactly I can't believe that just happened! Wait what is Caleb doing now?

Caleb feels the heat under him, and he smiles as he looks down at John. He jumps and flips falling down 20 feet hitting the swanton bomb on John! Both men lay hurt on the mat, John lays still for a moment, he begins to shake for a moment. The lights go out, and when they come back on, John Baine is standing up over Caleb White.

Michael Cole: "Hey you're not supposed to use magic in this match!"

King: "How do you know it wasn't a freak accident?"

John grabs Caleb by his throat and pulls him up. Caleb has fear in his eyes as John pushes Caleb against the fiery ring ropes. Caleb screams in pain, the smell of burning flesh fills the room. John pulls him off and laughs as he slaps Caleb on the back, he pulls him up and chokeslam's him down! John stands above Caleb laughing.
word count: 363
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Re: [6/13/12] John Baine VS Caleb White

Post by Admin »

ERP Score Breakdown:

Caleb: 0 points
John Baine: 0 points

Match Score Breakdown:

Winner of the match: Caleb White

Please create your outcome post/ending
word count: 26