[7/11/12] CW Infiltrate Championship: John Baine VS Gauntlet

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[7/11/12] CW Infiltrate Championship: John Baine VS Gauntlet

Post by Admin »

Justin Roberts: This match is for the CW Infiltrate Championship and it is in a mini-royale rumble!
word count: 18
John Baine

Re: [7/11/12] CW Infiltrate Championship: John Baine VS Gaun

Post by John Baine »

The lights go out and the crowd goes crazy as Nightmare by Avenged Sevenfold plays. Baine just walks out to the stage with a sledgehammer at hand. He smiles as he beats his chest and holds the hammer up high the fans go crazy as he walks down the isle.

Justin Roberts: "Introducing first from Austin, Texas he is "The Punisher" standing 6'8 and weighing in at 310lbs JOHN BAINE!

He throws the hammer in the ring and slides in easy. He pops his knuckles and grabs a microphone.

"Alright Arcane I put the challenge on the table and I am here. I am here to win the fight and help restore some fricken' order 'round these parts. So why don't you bring out your first victim."
word count: 129
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Alexander Arcane
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Re: [7/11/12] CW Infiltrate Championship: John Baine VS Gaun

Post by Alexander Arcane »

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John walks back and forth in the ring, expecting anything, but suddenly- Alexander Arcane's music plays and out came the man himself. With a glare from John - Alexander replies with a smile and then raises the MWE mic to his face......

Alexander Arcane: Well well... you're so eager to lose. And boy you're in for a night of beatings and disappointments... do you honestly think you have the skills to achieve anything here? I gave you an opportunity at The Eye of the Storm and you failed... and failed miserably....

John Baine: URGH!!!!! Just shut up will you!!! Has anyone told you YOU TALK WAYYYY TO MUCH!!! Just give me my opponents so that I can kick their asses.


Alexander Arcane: I am finished when I DECIDE when I am finished. Now John B....

Suddenly while Alexander was talking, the fans bring commotion as Shi Dorsujun Ku eases into the ring and then spears John with his back turned!! Shi nods to Alexander... and Alexander grins back. Shi takes John up by his throat and then SLAMS him straight down into the canvas with authority!!!

The shear size and power of Shi was scary but the onslaught didn't end just there- Shi then drags John by his right arm over to the edge of a turnbuckle and then the Chinese Martial Artist prepares to break John's arm by climbing the rope in order to crash on top of John's arm....
word count: 262