[MAD: 6-24-2023] CWE World Title: Charon of Death VS The DARKSPADE

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[MAD: 6-24-2023] CWE World Title: Charon of Death VS The DARKSPADE

Nostalgia hits you hard as you witness for the first time in many years the entrance theme of CWE is MAD...

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With the lights dimmed, and the announcer ready.... the first match of the NEW CWE Era begins.... and it is for, the Creature Wrestling Entertainment World Title.


Charon of Death VS The DARKSPADE
[Hell in a Cell Match]
word count: 100
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Charon Death
CWE World Champion & The Guardian of Wickedness
CWE World Champion & The Guardian of Wickedness
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Location: Northampton, UK

Come on Spadey! Let's do et!

The lights once again dimmed..... and on the CreatureTron was a reference to the 13th Anniversary oddly-- showcasing Charon's theme song in a different light.

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Samantha Irvin: Ladies and gentlemen, this match schedule within the Hell in a Cell rules are for the CWE World Championship.

Kevin Patrick: It begins.

Corey Graves: And here comes HELL herself.

Samantha Irvin: Arriving first from the United Kingdom. weighing in at 150lbs, she is a Creature Hall of Famer: Charon of Death.

Image Charon emerges from backstage dressed in a flowing dark dress.... in her right hand is her infamous NGFH (nail gun from Hell) that she used countless times in the past... and apparently... this is to be used for this VERY match!!! As Charon descended the aisle, so did the ominous Hell in a Cell. She enters as the Cell hits the floor and shoots several volleys of nails from her nail gun in the ring... awaiting with delight the arrival of the Unholy One.
word count: 205

Current CWE World Champion (2023)

Former longest reigning CW Undisputed Champion
King of Pain 2007

CW Heavyweight Champion 2009 & 2010
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The Unholy One
The Unholy One
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The arena drifts into a cold dead aura.

Again, the lights... the lights CUTS OUT!!!

Playing mind games like Charon... The C-Tron starts out with.....

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Lightning then strikes!!!










Uncheck the mute button to hear the music (if there are more than one video in this thread, for full experience, you would have to uncheck/check off them as you read, sorry).
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The Unholy One emerges from a hole cut at the top of the entrance platform.... sending chills down your spine. Charon in the Hell in a Cell stood stoic and unmoved. The Darkspade is dressed in an elaborate gown studded with dark jewels and deep crimson red accents throughout his attire. Like many entrances from him before- the entire arena is blanked with this dreadful cold dead aura radiating from Darkspade's being.

The announcer, shaking in her high heel shoes then says:

Samantha Irvin: And her opponent, from the Eternal Darkness, weighing in at 245lbs, he is the Unholy One.... the former and undefeated Absolute Undisputed Champion of Creature Wrestling..... The DARKSPADE!!!!

The DARKSPADE seemingly glided over the rising fog from underneath him and towards the deathly Hell in a Cell... Again, Charon stood unmoved, but her eyes fixed on her father's eyes. Darkspade nodded and disrobed his robe- showcasing the crest of The Unholy Ministry across his chest! Taking precaution- Darkspade entered the ring and slowly raised his hands to form the infamous "SPADE" formation, causing LIGHTNING to strike the four corners of the ring posts in the cell.....

With the two combatants inside, the bell rang three times, causing the two to walk forward and stare at each other.... who would strike first?!
word count: 344
Total of 6 top championships [Absolute Undisputed (1- undefeated); CW Undisputed (1); CWE Undisputed (2); CWF World (2)]
Other championships: CW Dual Core Champion (2); CWE IC (3), CWF Tag Team (2); ECF X-Treme (1); CWF Hardcore (1)

