Raven vs Gaunt: Hardcore Match

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Raven vs Gaunt: Hardcore Match

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This match was made in the interest of fairness. DOc Death has to defend his hardcore title before he faces Raven for the CWF Title. So to test Gaunt this match was made. This should be an interesting bout. LEts see if Gautn has got soemthing to back up the big words he's been speaking.
word count: 56
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The Champ is ready (by Raven (CWF Champion))

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<embed src="" loop=true hidden=true autostart=true>
OOC: is my title on the line? And if not who is winning?

Raven rises out of the pit of fire with a shoping cart filled with hardcore goodies beside him...

JR: Raven and Gaunt got off to a rough start here in the CWF King here is some footage...

Gaunt is shown up in the rafters and then Raven appears and Cholkslams im out of the rafters to the floor bellow.


Wow this should be quite the fight then...
word count: 88
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The Fire (by Gaunt)

Post by Admin »

*The lights cut, leaving the arena in total darkness exept for ineffective flashes of camaras going off from the crowd. A single bell tolls and there is a brief puff of flame from the top of the ramp, then a smaller fire, in the middle of the darkness, starts. Over it all, a monolouge plays.*
"It is said that it only takes a spark to get a fire going. Raven! You are that spark. From my very beginning, you met me. You met me and gave me the very anger to feed off of, to make me strong.. to make me into the contender I am. You sparked me, and now I am now a flame. Everyone around me, kindling. Paradox is my path. I am the Fire! I will bring you CHARRED DEATH!"
*With that, the lights flare back on, nearly blinding all that weren't ready for it. Jets of flame grow from the sides of the ramp, and at the very top there was still that one flame. But the flame wasn't alone. With it stood Gaunt, and he graps the flame from what looked like a handle. Indeed, it was a handle. It was a aluminum baseball bat.. with a kerosene-soaked towel wrapped around it.. and the kerosene was ablaze. Gaunt glares down at Raven and starts to make his slow, yet deliberate way down toward the ring*
word count: 234