Paradox vs Blacksmith: Darkweight Title

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::He grabs her foot... (The Blacksmith (DEATH MARCH))

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...and throws her into the corner. He then takes the breath out of her body with three hard fists into the stomach. He follows them up with a sharp uppercut which send her over the top rope and out of the ring.::

BLD: The Blacksmith is unbelieveably focused tonight! Dear Lord, those were vile shots!
PSS: Ah, so THAT's what you're going to call it! I call it unwarranted brutality unbecoming of a Darkweight Ma...

::The president's words are interrupted when Paradox, after being blocked in an attempt to strike the challenger, is thrown headlong across the announce table. The Blacksmith stalks over and starts to choke the life from her throat with his rough hands.::

::He releases the hold and the champion coughs violently. Then the Olympian grabs her by the hair and shoves her face into that of the president's and he says into the headset...::

BLK: My master wishes...that the most pleasant sight...that you see this night!

::He then tosses Paradox off the table and, with one glance back to the president, brings the action back into the ring.::

BLD: (half-mockingly) Prez...hey there, are you ok? You look a bit shocked or something.
PSS: (grumbling almost inaudibly) ...that son of a...

::Back in the ring, the warrior sends the Rider off the ropes and lifts her high into the air. As she comes down...::
word count: 237
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*The lights fade to blue and purple....* (by Dalkiel (UM))

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*and a cold foggy mist forms.....*

*the lights come back to normal as Paradox and The Blacksmith fight, unknowning what exactly happend everyone just blew it off as a malfuncioning effect. But little do they know that out from the far side of the ring arises Dalkiel. He peers at them fighting, Paradox ducks a clothsline and runs for the ropes, Dalkiel pulls them down as she flys out of the ring. He then quickly slithers into the ring as The Blacksmith goes for a clothsline, Dalkiel ducks it and kicks him in the lower abdominal area, he puts his head between his legs and delievers his Devilz Powerbomb.*


Dalkiel hits the mat after words to leave a message

[color=990066]Dalkiel[/color]: Revenge is Neverending!

*Dalkiel slithers out of the ring to stand before the announcers table. He just looks, smerks and then vanishes into the foggy mist. Supers and Blade just sit for a spell in confusion.*
word count: 160
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::His Royal Darkness stands dumbfounded... (by + THE DARK REQUIEM +)

Post by Admin » he looks after the reborn Demon Prince.::

TDR: (progressing from stupified to irate) <font color=blue> GODDAMN PURPLE BASTARD!!! YOU'LL RUIN EVERYTHING!!! DAMNIT! DAMNIT DAMNIT DAMNIT!!!</font>

::As he rants at the departing Dalkiel, the commentators do their job.::

PSS: See that?? It serves him right! All Dalkiel did was just even the playing field. The interest of fairness reigns again!
BLD: Well, if I were him, I'd turn around. His warrior's got problems in the ring!
word count: 86