Taker BOAD vs John Hunter: Intercontiental Title

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Taker BOAD vs John Hunter: Intercontiental Title

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Takr has bene quiet on his front, but a quiet champion cna be a surprising one. John Hunter has been working his way up the ranks. Lets wee what they cna do together in the ring.
word count: 36
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Entrance (by John Hunter)

Post by Admin »

As Hunter's music hit, he came striding down the ramp with grim purpose. His wrestling garb, in grim black and grey, seemed molded to his figure, accentuating his musculature.

With a near-standing leap, he landed atop the turnbuckles. Standing defiantly, he made no effort to enter the ring, instead staring about, awaiting the champion's appearance...
word count: 58

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