CH.14 (The Employer Arc) Main Thread: Act 2, Recursion

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It is NOT what you think.

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The laughter only increased in volume but what surprised The Dark Sincentius was Red's reasoning for his anger and attack....

"Mwwhaaaa it makes my whole body fill with pleasure knowing that you've carried despair for your act---"

".... HAHAAA!!!!!!!" - replies Red Spyder

"Oh no, don't get me wrong... I am perfectly OK, thrilled even, knowing it was I who kills Serin... no... I AM PISSED that you just told me that I did.... I WANT TO SEE SERIN SUFFER AND DIE!!!!"

::The Dark Sincentius just moves his head slightly to his left, a little confused::

"Uh, but you don't hold any regrets that your betrayal fucked over the very family that your precious Angel hails from? that this sparked your murderous actions...???!?!"

::Red Spyder grins as he says::

"Regrets? Regrets? HELL no! This only confirms that I was always a murderous bastard....."

"I admit, I did not think that even YOU are this sick and twisted. Heh. Makes sense now when viewing it from your perspective. Then, why did your mind block these events....?"

"I don't know. Who cares. Now, are you going to show me the ACTUAL killings, and secondly what was that... that energy from my body I blasted you with... it felt... oddly... familiar.... I rather.... enjoyed it..."

::Sincentius rubs his chin at that, he does not answer, but instead... waves his hand as the environment around them changes to the next event....::
word count: 248
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The Sacrifical Lamb

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The environment changed all around Red Spyder and The Dark Sincentius as a rolling fog creeps in... they are taken back into the forbidden garden just moments after Serin bit into the fruit that Eddie suggested...

Eddie: So, it tastes delicious?

Serin: Yeah it certainly does... woah... ::begins to see the garden in multiple colors... Serin was hallucinating!::

Eddie: Serin! Serin, are you okay man....!!

It was at that point Spade and Obed Marsh come running.... Spade sees his younger brother now on the ground tripping balls! Spade's face was pale but instead of going to Serin... he HITS EDDIE with his right fist sending Eddie plummeting to the ground next to the statue... Obed Marsh went to Serin to check on him....

Obed Marsh: He's eaten the fruit of awakening.... Come, help me carry him to the campsite...

Spade just glares at Eddie and screams at him... "what the FUCK man... WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!?"

The next scene shows Obed and Spade escorting Serin to the campsite-- Obed Marsh helps lower Serin to the floor-- Spade starts a fire with the logs he collected from earlier-- at that point, Obed Marsh takes out a peculiar knife with a "M" engraved on its metal. Spade turns around and lunges towards Obed to stop him....


Obed Marsh: Hold him down, for me, Eddie.

::Eddie smiles and indeed holds Spade back::


Obed Marsh: You foolish, dumb, dumb, boy.... [Obed Marsh's face begins to melt!!.... revealing....]

????: ..... thinking that coming here was by chance-- it was NOT. Now that one of you little TWIN pricks eaten from the Tree of Death. You will notice that this campsite is not just any place, we are situated where the Gate of Balance once opened, I will sacrifice you two fuckers here, and seek my opportunity to infiltrate your family... by possessing your bodies... and to finally, awaken, HIM.

Spade: ARGH!!!! LET ME GO EDDIEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wh... who the FUCK ARE YOU!?

::Turning is head towards Spade's direction while having the knife over Serin's chest::
MM: Simpleton. I am master of the Unholy Darkness... Lord Mortismere.......

Suddenly, Serin's eyes opened wide and he sat up-to thrust the knife into Mortismere's right shoulder..... causing Mortis to scream in pain.... Serin rolls off to the side and into a bush.... that prompted Spade to STOMP his foot into a surprised Eddie's left foot and jabbed his left elbow into Eddie's stomach at the same time!! Spade is freed-- but instead of running-- Spade picks up a fiery log and CLOCKS it- breaking the log against Mortisemere's demonic-looking skull face....

Suddenly, Eddie lunges and tackles Spade to the ground... Serin is now on-top of Spade with the sacrificial knife!!!! Image

Spade: URGH.... get... off.. me... FUCKER!!!

::Eddie pushes down with all of his strength causing the knife to get closer to Spade's neck... Mortis is seen in the background barely rising... he sees this... and yells, "NOOO DON'T KILL HIM... HE HAS NOT EATEN THE FRUIT!!!"

Eddie: I do not give a SHIT.... I can't stand you, Spade!!

The knife makes a small incision into Spade's neck, drawing blood, the end was here- but then, Eddie is overhead with a rock and was about to drop it on Eddie- Eddie smiles at Spade and says, "I lied. I love you two to death."

Eddie turns around and IMPALES the knife into Serin's gut and twists the knife into the brother for good measure..... Serin back off, dropping the rock and falls to the floor.... Spade SCREAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMS!!!!!


Red Spyder's face could be seen in the distance, smiling.

Red Spyder: Now that is what I call entertainment....

Dark Sincentius: Oh. If that is to your liking, there's more.
word count: 681
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The First Verse of Death

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Spade kicks Eddie in the head and lunges to his fallen brother, Serin! There was a wound with a gaping hole and a knife into it... blood pouring from the ends of the knife.... Spade knew that if he were to pull the knife out, then Serin would die within moments from blood lost. Meantime, Mortismere was more concerned that Eddie would defy his orders.....

::Rises, then picks Eddie up by his neck with his right hand::

::Mortisemere turns slowly to gaze at the children::
MM: Good... Serin is still alive... MOVE OFF OF HIM so that I could recite the first verse of Death... then, it will be YOUR turn Spade.....

Something deep inside of Spade burned and roared... never has he ever felt so much intense emotion, clearly, as his younger brother now lay dying... Spade rose to his feet as Mortismere lift from the ground to soar over the ground towards him... Spade closed his eyes to then open them up again revealing that his eyes turned a white light...

Mortismere screamed as he soared through the air with his hands outstretched- conjuring a ball of Unholy Darkness... Spade raised his right hand and from his fingertips sent forth a barrier which met Mortismere's Unholy Darkness.... Mortimere was stopped in his tracks--


MM: URRGGHHHHH WHAT... WHAT... POWER IS THIS!!?! No. It cannot be. The power of balance?!

Spade was on autopilot, and at that he, took his free left hand and placed them over his right hand. The balance sent shock-waves across the floor and Mortismere could NOT match Spade's strength any longer.... Then, suddenly......

????: Ana natrax... do'se DEMENTA!
word count: 298
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