CH.14 (The Employer Arc) Main Thread: Act 2, Recursion

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CH.14 (The Employer Arc) Main Thread: Act 2, Recursion

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Chapter 14, The Employer Arc we have witnessed the “The viewer” watching all of this unfold on the new CW app with occasional oddities occurring- seemingly, guiding the viewer to each scene, The battle between Red Spyder, Cadmus and Darkspade, Charon, Brandon, Obed Marsh, and Mamud reviving Kizmat, and in the past- Red Spyder & The Dark Sincentius witnessing the Children of Sin and Blight of the Death Family, the rise of Empress Angel of Death, Darkspade with the two Charons, and finally- more about the mysterious Employer is uncovered.

And now, with the celebration of 24 years on the internet- CreatureWrestling, the original and only, presents to you the second act of Chapter 14, in this epic life-long tale!

word count: 128
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The Weight of the World

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The next scene takes us back in time in the Death Family forbidden garden with Eddie and young Serin....

Eddie: "Here, take it..."

::Serin stares at the nuts::

Serin: I... I don't know [stomach growls]. Urh. I.

Eddie: What's wrong? We need to stay healthy- if nuts not your thing, man, there's a garden all around you. We need to return home healthy, right?

Serin: Well. Then. YOU eat those things...

::Eddie smiled, and then popped each one of the seeds into his mouth, ground them down into a mush and even opened his mouth wide to show Serin that they are still there before gulping them down his throat-- Eddie opens his mouth again showing that, in fact, he ate them.

Serin: [looking better about the situation] Well. I guess they're OK. You're feeling fine?

[Eddie smiled and nodded]

::Eddie takes Serin's right hand as he got up from the stump and they whisk away into the garden behind them...

After a transition, the next scene shows Eddie and Serin deeper in the garden- it was a hidden little paradise, Serin noticed for such a forbidden place, it sure was well kept. This must mean that their family has been keeping it maintained- but what was on Serin's mind was "why... why hasn't anyone ever told them about this place?" Eddie stopped in-front of a worn statue of some long lost goddess that was buried inside of a tree that grew into it.


"Look!! look at this!!" - ecstatically yelled, Eddie

Serin stops what he was doing and walks over to the center of the garden and looks at the goddess/tree.

"THERE! that red fruit growing on its branches... man... I BET those are tasty!!! C'mon, help me up to get snatch em!"

Serin was hesitate at first but then obliged. Serin created a step up with his hands interlocked together which allowed Eddie to lift up and reach for a red fruit....

Once down, Eddie walked over to a stream with the fruit and washed it off, then cleaned it with his sleeve.

"HERE take a bite..... I bet it is DELISH!"

::Unlike before, Serin wasn't skeptical, and so... he took a bite into the fruit... it sure was tasty...::


Spade came back to camp with firewood wrapped in his coat and noticed that his brothers weren't around....

"EDDIE!!!.... SERIN!!!!!! Where are you guys!!! C'mon.... REALLY?!"

?????: Good. You are all safe....

Spade did a 180 degrees turn and sees that mysterious man that was at the ruins in-front of him.... Spade dropped the firewood but froze in fear....

Obed Marsh: Child. Do not be afraid. My name is Obed Marsh.

Spade: "But.. but what about... that.. demon!! how did.. you escape it!

Obed Marsh: I barely did. But more importantly, you are alive, but what of your brothers? Where are they!

Then, Red Spyder and Sincentius come into view- walking through Obed Marsh and Spade.... causing the event to freeze.

"Wake me when this is over..."

"I'll tell you what. I'll give you a solid hint on your The Employer actually is... then perhaps that just might spark some interest in working out another contract with them..."

"Go ahead... entertain me."

"How much do you love Angel and your sons, my dearest friend? The Employer has a vested interest in them..."

"Be direct. What are you trying to tell me?"
word count: 587
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The Dark Sincentius
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Direct you say?

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With a long drawn sinister smile spread across The Dark Sincentius' face did he elaborate.

"... dat a boy. Right now, without you aware of it, the timeline has changed as a result of your meddling with past affairs. Why the fuck do you think you were stripped of your powers? It is because you fucked up, big time. [Red's eyes glare] The Employer initially hired you to ensure Angel, and your sons, are kept safe and at their fullest potential..."

::Red Spyder quickly grabs Sincentius' by his scrawny neck and raised him high into the air::

"[gasping] URGHHH... IF YOU L. LOV...V.. E.. THEM... YOU WILL COMM.MMIT TO TH.. THE.. EMPLO...YER....!!!"

::Red drops The Dark Sincentius to the floor::
"FUCK YOU!!! AND FUCK THIS EMPLOYER..... Yes. I do love Angel... she is mine forever.... but, if I fucked up once before, then why employ me again and what exactly can I do stuck here?!"

::The Dark Sincentius rises from his feet::

"True. You're pretty much screwed for all of eternity, but here's another little secret I know about our Employer... they cannot directly interfere. Faced with endless power- they are bound by the universe to observe, only to indirectly affect the course of reality through others. Even you, trapped here, can still affect the physical reality if you simply accept their employment."

[Red Spyder thinks about this]
".... if this is about my Angel and children, then why show me what has transpired here many years ago? What is the significance of this?!"

::The Dark Sincentius laughs::

"Oh. You cannot take an educated guess? Even now? Wow you are dense. [inches into Red's ear] it is because, YOU are the blight of the Death Family..... YOUR actions in aiding in Serin's death resulted in spiraling deeper and deeper into despair... it is what SPARKED your bloodlust... murdering... the Unholy Darkness corroded your mind. YOU blocked these events, as though, YOUR betrayal became the disease. In order to escape- accept the employer's job- succeed in saving Angel and your children- you MUST accept THAT YOU ARE THE BLIGHT OF THE DEATH FAMILY!!!!!! MwwuuuhhahahahahahahahahaahhaaaaaaaAAAAAAAaaaaawhwhahahahaaaa!!!!!!!!!"

At that, Red Spyder had enough!!! something deep within him, a residue of the Wickedness, emerged, and he blasted Dark Sincentius with it!!! Sending Sincentius' body flying into pieces... body parts littered the garden.... Red Spyder was fuming and huffing with UNHOLY hatred.... then, from behind him, emerged Sincentius again.... again... laughing......
word count: 420
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