Reflection on how Chapter 14 is going

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Reflection on how Chapter 14 is going

So we've reached a point where I have to go back to me fully teaching. Which means, it could be months before I could post any stories depending on my priorities.

Briefly, I personally feel that Chapter 14 is a tremendous success. It was a BIG challenge for me because in order to engage it, I needed to go back and re-read post stories and remind me of what happened before. I may have missed some marks, but, overall, I feel that the direction in the way things are going are spot on and it makes sense. I tried to fill in a lot of plot holes and revisit events that were left in the open-- so that is what Chapter 14 tends to centralize around-- filling in the plot holes lol.

The current ACT 2: Recursion is complete. TGOD, and I am happy that this Act focused just on (finally) finishing off The Blight of the Death family story which I started with (the actual) Red Spyder six long years ago... wow... It is a bit sad to me that Red left CW back then because he felt it was time to go and all, I get it, but, wished that he did not feel that way because I felt we worked very well together and honestly I seriously doubt that anywhere else on the internet comes close to writing like this. But alas, good luck to you man.

With that said, I wanted to both evolve his character of "Red Spyder" and also set up a proper end to the character which we will see in the coming Acts.... we now know that Eddie killed Serin and Red Spyder is him. We know that Red Spyder accepted a 2nd opportunity and he was reincarnated as Richard Arcane.

So I will leave here saying that there's a lot of exciting stories to come! Chapter 14 has been a blast!
word count: 323