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CreatureMania XV and Chapter 14 Comes to a Close!

By: Admin | On: August 7, 2024

I am thrilled to report that CreatureMania XV and Chapter 14 were very successful.

There's tons to cover. The best way to summarize everything for you is to head to our Discord channel (, where I write periodic summaries as events occur.

But to distill it down to the last essential elements:

In the aftermath of CM XV, a theoretical new Heavyweight champion was created, a first in history. The winner had the same name as the previous holder, adding a unique twist to the storyline.
- F'ein Dacor has new hand.
- Richard Arcane did his duty as a co-promoter.
- Kizmat and the whole world learned the ugly truth with the so-called imprisonment and The Undertaker's motives. The Undertaker further explained that he is dying; the imprisonment has been an instrument of his grand plan, and the Employer is a "she" and is more potent than the Deadman as she has been scything his powers.

We come to a conclusion with Chapter 14 leading us into whatever Chapter 15 will reveal come December 2024. The anticipation is palpable as we await the answers to our burning questions about The Employer and her mysterious motives.

See you again in December.