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CreatureWrestling Returns

By: Admin | On: June 23, 2023

Welcome! As you can see, there have been much-needed improvements and enhancements that I have worked on. The first question which may be on the mind is, why? The answer is, why not? Everything I have said is still true about my feelings and personal opinions over the many years working on e-feds- but I brought CWE back for good reasons. First, CreatureWrestling always stood above the rest because of its unique and different approaches to establishing a "fake" (free) simulated wrestling experience you cannot get anywhere else- losing CreatureWrestling from the internet would be very sad as it could be an inspiration to other organizations. Second, it is fun for me to make websites and develop- this is a challenge that I have always wanted to accomplish anywhere from what you see in front of you (a fully integrated blog... no, this is not WordPress at all!) to something we have seen before such as how far we can take the phpBB to. People probably want to know why I am moving back into phpBB... well, although I prefer the format of an unordered list bulletin board- the reality is that the source code for the board is vastly depreciated and buggy. So- it makes sense to go with a bulletin board that can accomplish 80% of what I enjoyed from the older formats versus 0%.

Lastly, I felt that although there are lots of rightful things that I said in defense of CreatureWrestling during moments when ex-players tried to sabotage the game etc- of course I took that all personal and of course anyone in that position would retaliate. I want to move away from all of that and keep building this website to the original vision I had when I first started it. Yes I will still say things if need be to defend this e-Fed lol- call it passive aggressive if you would like- but as you can see I am NOT one to back off from a fight and fight in what I believe is right. But I am much more older than I was, and wiser, I do not give a shit if I have no players beside myself playing on CreatureWrestling. It actually is fucking amazing to know that I CAN write on a place like this- I am not complaining! but join the fun if you like LOL!!!!!!

Where do we go from here?

There were a lot of elements to CreatureWrestling, unfinished or untold. But where do we go from here?...

First, the past is the past. CreatureWrestling ended near its 20th anniversary years ago, and now, 22 years in the making, the possibilities are endless regarding unfinished or untold stories. What else can be talked about? What happened when our heroes exited an alternative dimension wherein Kizmat was still alive? Or, what became of Lusus or Cadmus? Why and how is CWE brought back? There are many unanswered questions. You would have to wait and see where these all culminate

What is the vision?

I do not expect (or want or even need) a flock of players to come on board. However, I aim to enjoy CWE as much as I can, even if it just means by myself. After all, CWE did miraculously well with just two players for years. I envision news like this one expanding what was done on the WordPress version- allowing players to role-play through multiple means of expressing themselves: it could be through posting news like this one (yep- when a player logs into their account, they can post news whenever that they want- expanding their reach), Reddit, or an old fashion message board format. Ultimately to provide a place to do this, and wow, this site is fantastic because there are not many places on the face of this Earth that are customized like this one for the sole purpose of posting stories... if there are anyplace else, it is vastly restricted and monetarized driven.

What comes next?

As I continue to write dynamic scripting, database, and front-end programming to make the place functional and design worthwhile- including the message board- what comes next are ongoing storylines. I have a partner involved in writing stories with me, so- boo hoo hoo to those thinking that I am here alone ~.^, but that is what comes next. Expect great things to come-- anywhere from compelling storylines to crazy antics. This e-fed, after all, is hands-down the originator and only Creature Wrestling.