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General Update Report July, 2023

By: Admin | On: July 27, 2023

About three years ago I mentioned that I had plans in store for CreatureWrestling, even after my brute honest comments and views on "creature" e-Feds. It has been approximately six long years that anything happened here. But now that we are here- it is amazing what a little bit of free time could do. I am very grateful and proud to say that not only has CreatureWrestling been re-opened but from the perspective of a web developer- the entire site has been revamped- more than any other time in its history. I even managed to fully update the histories which I honestly did not think I could do in time. So what exactly was done?

- The entire website was taken out of Wordpress, re-coded in php and MySQL, along with a new layout throughout.

- Users can create a main website specific account which allows them to manage their bios, or if authorized, they could post their own player news (like I am doing).

- I retro-fitted the old phpBB board, which actually was an adaptation clear, way back when it was used for CreatureCavern and MortalWrestling, to be used as the current main message board platform. I had to ditch the old custom php unordered list board because it was depreciated with regards to the updated version of php which was implemented by most web hosting companies... it was not compatible and therefore the unordered list structure was broken. Theoretically, one could re-write it but that would take months to do and I would just rather use something we used before and is supported all the time by a programming community. Does this mean I am happy with the phpBB board? There are pros and cons to it... but like mentioned, I'd rather have 80% what I desire versus 0%.

- Brands have been revamped as well- anywhere from a new CW + CWE logo to the new S2B paraody divisions.

- As mentioned above, our entire history summary page was updated big time and also I was working on migrating the CreatureMania events from the TapaTalk board* this is a massive undertaking project so this will go on for a very very long time.

- And, I have went forward with using Discord and Reddit as alternative platforms for building our communities.

So there you have it. Its a lot. Trust me lol.... lots of hours in coding alone and I haven't even mentioned the efforts I personally undertaken to re-read the old stories in order to formulate a main storyline to carry onward to the next chapters.

Now that you have the updates, what does the future entail?

- My summer is at an end :( but one of the biggest reasons why I wanted to finish the website is so that we can invest in the actual gameplay- for me personally that is what I will be focusing on going forward.

- For the website etc-- there are known bugs which I did not get to resolving both front and back end. I will likely have to wait until another break happens, perhaps this Christmas, to do something about that. There are also features I still had in mind... anywhere from expanding the player account section for bios and add fields such as specific stats and win/lost records etc. I also am aware that the phpBB has a quirky issue with CSS and that it has a wacky load time with it-- I tried to spend time on this, but I ran out. I hope to eventually fix that.

- Other updates are anywhere from cosmetics to graphics for events or storylines! But one thing is for certain........

We're BACK.... Bitches.