Author - cw_admin

14 Years of a Legend – The Title of Titles REBORNS

“No matter how you view the evolutionary history of this sport- one constant that stayed the same was THE title that represented the BEST of all Creatures of the Night. No other organization, no other title has had been held with so much prestige, history, grandeur, honor and blood-sweat-and-tears as…. The Undisputed Creature Wrestling Championship! EVERY single wrestler who has been in the Official Hall of Fame has held or sought for this title to some capacity. EVERY single [...]



13 Years Ago to this Very Day…. Creature Wrestling was BORN! The Original, Unrivaled & Legendary Darkside E-Wrestling organization proudly presents…. The Adobe Flash Player is required for video playback.Get the latest Flash Player or Watch this video on YouTube. ENTER TO SEE STORY EVENT


The Day is Almost Here…

…on December 11th 1999, the world was never the same– for a darkness never seen before overtook the world of humankind. CreatureWrestling was Born and Kicked ASS Ever Since. The Adobe Flash Player is required for video playback.Get the latest Flash Player or Watch this video on YouTube. 12/11/12


To Be Thankful For…..

13 Years Ago, Creature Wrestling was Born. We Return- for the Day of Remembrance and to Honor The Greatest Federation Ever on the Face of Planet Earth. The Adobe Flash Player is required for video playback.Get the latest Flash Player or Watch this video on YouTube.   12/11/12  


Mortal Wrestling is HERE!

A month ago- there were rumors speculating about a bombshell and game changer… now, after waiting for so long- the calm is now passed… THE STORM IS HERE! Welcome to the next chapter of our sport! The Adobe Flash Player is required for video playback.Get the latest Flash Player or Watch this video on YouTube. MORTAL WRESTLING


MWE Updates

In little more than 10 hours from this update- the Mortal Wrestling Entertainment will be finally unlocked to the public! The website now features a unified CMS system with CreatureWrestling! But more noticeably is the countdown timer…. once the countdown reaches zero– the doors will open to a new era in this sport. Stay glued to this page for more info as it comes!! MORTALWRESTLING.COM