Comments from the ‘REAL-LIFE’ Promoter of CreatureWrestling

Comments from the ‘REAL-LIFE’ Promoter of CreatureWrestling

Only very rarely I speak outside from the persona of Alexander Arcane. In this special post, I am going to share my process, vision and my passion about the Undisputed Greatest E-Federation on the face of the planet! Questions are provided by my best friend who has been involved with me during the entire duration of CW and has seen it all.

Phillip: First, what was your whole idea behind Darkspade? Where did it come from?

Darkspade: Well remember back when we were kids? Boy we played a lot with imitating wrestling!… me and you and your brother would fight all the time and wrestle lol of course, we had personas even back then… and my persona was based on the Undertaker for obvious reason. And even before we were play-wrestling as kids, I was influenced by my older brother who did some Indie wrestling back-in-the-day and had connections with several wrestlers (below a picture of my brother to the right and Gangrel to the left):

Phillip: Haha Yeah I remember those days… and I can remember when Kane came out and just how pissed off at me you were!

Darkspade: 😛 Oh yeah me and you had real fights with who was the better wrestler and that rivialry we actually got my other brother involved along with my nephew…. we eventually made video footages of play-wrestling and shoot promos which is when I got really good at HAHA! but it was actually during that time in 1997 that we came up with names… You called yours “Raine” based on the original spelling of Kane on your T-Shirt we bought at a WWF event and I based my name really on playing cards- not a very dramatic origin lol but the name just clicked because I was always playing poker and my Ace up my sleeve were always Spades sorta speak…. I felt it would be corny to use “Ace of Spades” as a name so I just went with Darkspade…..


Phillip: And then we come to the CWF…..

Darkspade: Indeed!! Well I couldn’t become a REAL wrestler lol I was in college and studying Art/Graphic Design and Web… so, my passion and energies were elsewhere. It was actually through my brother that I got interested in the internet and the moment I saw a webpage I wanted to know MORE about how it was created…. I was OBSESSED. Then, I started to look around for like-minded Undertaker wrestling fans and stumbled upon It was there that I felt at home and it was there that my handle “Darkspade” was used in posts. I quickly became one of the most frequent posters there and established myself as an article writer for various projects including websites such as Sabretooth’s Corrupted Crypt. Now… Sabretooth was a friend of mine (that was her handle) who basically was at that time considered THE TOP Undertaker fan in our community who brought together media of ALL kinds related to the Undertaker…. her contributions to this very day are essential to the amount of images that there are of the Undertaker!

I was dabbling with free website builders like Geocities and Angelfire at that time and had one of the best COTN (Creature of the Night) fan pages there was. It was really through Sabretooth’s html and javascript knowledge that we resonated while working together which paved the way towards what would eventually become the website for CWF. But I am jumping the gun a little bit Haa!!

Phillip: Oh… just a little ! You must had a lot of time on your hands just kidding! So… where did CWF come from?

Darkspade: Sometime around the beginning part of 1999 The Undertaker was off WWF and we fans on had honestly nothing else left to talk about!! lol So, I believe it was Darkhag or Angel of Light (they were board moderators for the website I just mentioned) who propose that we play a little game where we pick a side: a face, heel or neutral and play our handles. That was the green light for me haha and so I assumed the role of a heel and quite literately took off as THE villain on that board. Eventually UT did come back and that was fully into the Ministry of Darkness… it didn’t help me because hehe I enjoyed that Era and gobbled up ALL the inspiration to base Darkspade upon- even establishing the foundations for my Unholy Ministry…. but the thing was that the regular posters didn’t like that we were using the boards to wrestle so… we had to stop but I just wanted to keep on going because it was fun to do. I even named Darkhag the “COTN” Champion and hopped it could have survived on but alas it wasn’t. That was when I decided to take a risk and propose an idea to create a website which would serve as a hub to place match writing on other COTN fan community pages… but, that didn’t work out so well (that was when I created the site on Angelfire and called it: COTNRPG).


Phillip: I remembered how you told me about making a website for wrestling but did you imagine that it would have gotten so BIG?

Darkspade: NEVER would have imagined it! Well the idea to host shows on other COTN sites was trashed so I spoke with Raven on AIM and told him of my idea to create a wrestling organization… he was all up for it… and then through talking with other COTN fans I managed to gather enough supporters to play on my site. So I took my own website’s Network54 fan forum and changed it to the board we used to play on…. when I launched the site and board it was an immediate success… you could go as far as say that it was history thereafter…. what people don’t realize was the effort, time, sacrifice and risks it took to create COTNRPG. I had to network with a lot of people and organize everybody into one place and make the place functional so that we could have a great official game. A LOT of learning was done during the whole process- there were moments of hicups and trial/errors but eventually COTNRPG quickly transformed into the Legendary CWF (Creature Wrestling Federation). CreatureWrestling was born!!!



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