Committee Member

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Committee Member: The committee was a part of the new system of officiating starting from 2005. All of the players had a hand in the officiating of the e-fed, instead of a system that included a bunch of officials with roles. This helped levitate any issues of bias/unfairness with title decisions and so forth. Eventually, the committee member system was combined with the old system and now representatives are chosen to speak on behalf of the players. There can only be 2 committee members at maximum and they have access to the officials board and other resources that the administrators use to manage the e-fed.

The idea was to also reduce the # of officials from the maximum of 6 positions to only 4 (2 admins & 2 committee members). So that there was more players than officials. The players still played a critical role in the officiating of the e-fed as the idea of officials always voting for the winners of tournaments and matches was removed in place of public voting/decisions.

Even though the admins can still manage and name champions on special occasions (like introducing new titles or naming a champion after a title was stripped)- the shift from a system where the players had little to no say-so for how a title is exchanged or tournaments are won -> to a system that gave equality throughout has made the game much more fairer and any chance of inner circles to form around popular titles/awards/tournaments was abolished.

Committee members can also act as moderators (moderating the message boards for spam, x-rated material and unacceptable behavior) and they can also hold in-game official ranks but they cannot exceed the in-game ranks carried by the administrators.

People who have held this position:

RuKKuS (2005-2005)

Gojinn (2005-2007)

Dark Spyder (2005-2007)

Creeper (2005-2007)

Charon (2005-2008)

Jake Murphy (2008-current)

Sideshow (2008-current)