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CREATUREWIKI (public wiki): The vast database for the History of CreatureWrestling!
This is the Public CW Wiki Database: CreatureWiki
Welcome to the vast History of CreatureWrestling! This wiki is intended to document the enormous stories found in the CreatureWrestling E-Federation.
The main purpose of this wiki is to explain every aspect of this incredible sport. This can be used to allow one to lookup a term, a fictional place/object or even a wrestler that exists in CW and get a detail description!
Please read CW WIKI INSTRUCTIONS in order to contribute to the wiki.
General Terms: | History of CW Roster: | Story Line Characters: | Factions: | Places: | Sub-Feds/Brands: | CW Created Events | Concepts Created | Matches Created:
Main Storyline
Vaolrixous Tribe
Alexander Arcane (Senior)
CW Headquarters
Major PPVs:
TV Events:
CreatureWrestling Hall of Fame CW on MySpace (idea by Creeper) CW Krypt (idea by Pimp and Creeper) Absolute Undisputed Championship
Website: | Out-of-Game Officials: | In-Game Officials: | Sensitive Topics | Non-CW Related:
District Promoter
Creature E-Fed Wars