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The Birth

During the 1,000 Year War (see also: Markus) in Neo-Earth, F'ein Dacor captured the Crystal of Darkness to resurrect Hra'gad. However, it backfired when F'ein impregnated Lilith with Hra'gad's remains. Lilith gave birth to a demon: Mortismere and to the first borne vampire: Kizmata Dema. Mortismere resembled the features of Hra'gad but it did not possess nearly enough power to wipe out the Vaolrixous and humans completely.

Mortismere's Reign On Neo-Earth

The age that followed was the dark ages for Neo-Earth. Mortismere was crowned King of Darkness and Kizmat was in charge of the mass genocide of the last remnants of the Vaolrixous Tribe. The Crystal of Darkness was studied and the Unholy Dark Arts was created and written down in the Unholy Dark Grimoire. Most humans left were made into slaves - building massive pyramids for the Empire.

Then at one point, Kizmata created the Blood Tournament and literately had creatures compete to the death for a chance to fight Mortismere, the Unbeatable Champion in an unfair ending. (Mortis' belt was forged by Satan's blacksmith, Müller, from the rich deposits of Hell's mines. This belt was also enchanted with dark powers by the evil sages appointed by Dalkiel. The belt was named "Darkness Championship.")

At the climax of the tournament, a masked man reached to the final battle with Mortismere and had the demon lord disarmed and at his mercy. Mortismere's assassins attacked the masked man before he could lay the final blow- and they removed his mask. In shock, it was Kizmata! Kizmata turned to Mortismere and he had the Crystal of Darkness with him- there was a double cross in the process. Kizmata used the tournament to lure Mortis into a false sense of security and then the gates of hell opened by Satan himself. Mortismere was captured and taken into a special compartment of hell called Kali-Sheol.

With Mortismere removed from the picture, Kizmata infiltrated Lilith's Hive with an army of surviving creatures. F'ein Dacor had to retreat and awaken Lilith even though she was still weakened. Lilith's wake caused an apocalypse of epic proportions which sunk Lilith's Palace/Hive to the depths of the ocean. Many casualties happened- and Kizmata was thrown into our reality by the hands of F'ein. Kizmata awakened into our world with no memory of his former life except for the memory of his name and language.

Lilith's premature awakening caused her to sink in an even deeper slumber because she used most of her power to stop the approaching threat. F'ein left Neo-Earth for our own reality until it was time to return. It was after this time, Neo-Earth developed a similar time line to our own but with a head start with technology. Since the population was a mixture of creatures, the entire world actually existed of supernatural peoples but as generations passed, they lost their powers with exception to a select population of outcasts.


Satan, himself, created a compartment just for Mortismere in Sheol (Hell) called: Kali-Sheol (Black Hell). This compartment was an alternative realm with it's own black sun and Mortismere was responsible for torturing the most wicked of the wicked souls in Sheol. However, Mortismere's power grew so great that he enslaved the souls he tortured and created the Unholy Citadel where, Mortismere feed on his captives which enabled him to become a god of the underworld - Mortis self-proclaimed himself as the Unholy Emperor.

Hungry for More Power

Mortismere was not pleased with ruling Kali-Sheol for all of eternity- he hungered to escape his prison in Sheol and seek revenge. Mortis sought out ways to perfect his evil craft. Mortismere sunk deeper and deeper in The Unholy Darkness and eventually discovered the origin. As a result, Mortismere's power and army threatened Satan's rule. Satan had no choice but to send Dalkiel to destroy Mortismere but Mortis had other plans.

A great war between Mortis and Dalkiel's armies wage in the front lines of Sheol - but this was merely a distraction. With Dalkiel and Satan preoccupied, Mortismere slipped out of Kali-Sheol and stole Dalkiel's key to the underworld. Mortismere escaped into our reality!

The Separation of The Soul

With the war still going on in Sheol, Mortismere was free as a bird to slip out unnoticed but the transition between Sheol and Earth greatly dimenished Mortismere's power to that of a demi-god. To achieve immortality, Mortismere had to seperate his soul from his body and transfer it to an object that had some centimental value and worth. By using the supreme Dark Unholy Arts, Mortismere was successful in seperating his soul and it was transfered to his Darkness Championship belt.

The Black Order (Old Kingdom Timeframe)

Mortismere arrived on Earth approximately: 2550 BCE. and it was during this time that Kizmat acted as a royal adviser to Khufu in the Old Kingdom Egypt. Mortis realized that his brother was still alive and was here on Earth- in Egypt. The idea of revenge seemed at hand, except, Mortismere was weakened and needed to find a vessel for his soul. By using the Unholy Darkness, Mortismere tricked humans and creatures into believing he was an almighty god and developed the "Black Order." The people that followed Mortismere became a dark cult- willingly sacrificing bodies to keep Mortis alive. The Black Order was also comprised of powerful dark magicians that recognized Mortismere as their Lord and master.

Unholy City of Xanderaz

The vast network of dark creatures created a massive city which harbored the evil that contained Mortismere's Unholy Darkness. It was here that a tree of untold evil was planted- fueled by the dark energy of Queen Lilith's body. With the tree growing, so did Mortismere's powerful Unholy Darkness. It was just a matter of time before Mortismere would succeed in defeating Kizmat and enslave the human race.

Mortismere's Entombment

Kizmat's forces and Mortismere's Black Order eventually collided at the Unholy City of Xanderaz... after a gruesome and exhausting battle, Kizmat managed to literately sink the city underground and capture Mortismere. However, Kizmat did not know about Mortismere's separated soul and Mortismere was turned into a stone statue when all attempts at killing him failed. The statue of Mortismere was left on the site of the Unholy City and stayed there for many thousands of years.

Temple of Mortis, (Greco-Roman Timeframe)

Even with Mortismere entombed, The Black Order stayed alive over the Milena and embedded their evil practices into countless creature races and family lines. Eventually, The Black Order evaporated as the descendants of the original cult drifted through the passing of time. However, dark magic users and cultists created a huge temple where the statue of Mortis was kept.

Temple of Mortis was created as a sanctuary and ritual ground for practicing dark magic. Since the grounds was rich in Unholy energy- this made it ideal for studying the Unholy Arts.

The Dark Rider, (Medieval Period)

A powerful Holy Light human priest named Sincentius discovered Mortis' Darkness Championship Belt and inevitably released Mortismere from his entombment. Mortis was unaware of Sincentius' hidden power and tried to convert Sincentius to The Unholy Darkness as the first Unholy Mage and protector of his invaluable belt (the first horcrux). With an apprentice close at hand, Mortismere was surely unstoppable.

Dark Sincentius managed to control both Holy Light and Unholy Darkness which drove him insane with power and transformed him into a Sage becoming the Master of Mages. With every single magic ability at his disposal, Dark Sincentius became unstable and even more threatening than Mortismere.

Dark Sincentius broke from Mortismere and was hell bent on purging the world of creatures. The Dark Sincentius would act as judge, jury and executioner - eliminating the creatures during the Greco-Roman timeframe while riding his horse which earned him the name "The Dark Rider." Sincentius' favorite weapon was his twisted silver sickle from which he would cut the heads off of his victims.

Dark Sincentius' was defeated by the pure sacrifice of the first Charon Death when Sincentius discovered that the Death family were creatures and had the power to control the balance in the universe. Before Sincentius died, he used the Holy Light to imprint his essence into the Death Family DNA and prophesied that one day two twins will be borne between the darkness and the light, and that the Dark Sincentius would rise again to destroy the balance. Mortismere was present during Sincentius' demise and quickly escaped before the Death Family could find him.

In the afterlife, Charon Death was charged with the task of carrying souls of the newly deceased across the river that divided the world of the living from the world of the dead.

The Devious Plot

Mortismere plotted to control the reincarnated body of The Dark Sincentius. To accomplish this, Mortismere had to mask his power and befriend the members of the Death Family. It was easy, because the Death Family had no knowledge about Mortismere's true identity. For hundreds of years, Mortismere waited patiently for the coming of two twins.

Spade and Serin Death

Spade and Serin were borne exactly on the last stroke of midnight. This troubled the elders because they knew about the prophecy and the coming of Dark Sincentius. Mortismere quickly acted by strengthening his relationship with the Death Family and obtained their trust to get closer and closer to the two twins.

The Seeds of Evil

The Death Family purposely kept Spade in the dark about not only his family and race; but also kept him in the dark about the existence of Serin. The reason was to prevent Spade from tapping into his 'creature powers', if in case, he was the reincarnation of Dark Sincentius. Likewise, Serin was kept in the dark about his powers as well.

Mortismere achieved total trust from the Death Family and he became Spade's school teacher. Serin, on the other hand, was isolated and kept far away from Spade or Mortis. However, Mortismere strongly believed that Spade was the reincarnation of Dark Sincentius because he sensed a dark formidable power residing deep inside of Spade's body. In an attempt to direct Spade down the path of the Unholy- Mortis implied the Unholy Darkness directly into Spade during school lessons.

As the years passed, Spade became a ticking time bomb and Mortismere needed Spade to perform a horrendous act of evil to draw out The Dark Sincentius out and to also control him.

The Setup

Spade Deathen meet Julie Dorothea at the University he was attending at the age of 19. Mortismere actually was the reason for their relationship because Mortis enlisted as a University Professor to teach World History- and to also keep an eye out for Spade.

In actuality, Mortismere knew that Spade was at the right age for a relationship and the University setting (away from Death Family members) was ideal. Julie was a student of Mortis and sensed that she was a pure hearted virgin.

The plan was perfect- Mortismere knew exactly how to turn Spade to the Unholy Darkness and thus, evoke the Dark Sincentius!

Julie and Spade

Julie met Spade Death at the University she was attending. She never knew he was a creature, nether did he at the time- so they romantically got involved and were eventually approached by key members of the Death Family with their blessings to a marriage.

The Truth

Mortismere orchestrated the perfect betrayal by convincing Spade and Julie to receive the blessings of the Death Family. So when Julie and Spade traveled back to the Death Family during Spring break- Mortismere sent Spade wrong information that Damien was fluting with Julie and that he was up to no good. Weeks dragged on with back and forth information and finally Mortismere drugged Spade's oldest brother, Damien, and took over his body during a family party. Julie was seduced by Damien- controlled by Mortismere- and they had sex moments before Spade came back upstairs to his own room. Spade found them in the act! This enraged Spade and the two brothers fought and Spade nearly killed Damien.

But the Death Family urged for Spade to forgive Julie. It wasn't easy.. Spade was hurt and revengeful. Damien, on the other hand, sworn that he was not attracted to Julie and he didn't remember the sex they had.

The Death Family had to tell Spade who he was because during the fight- Spade's powers was finally realized.

Mortismere quickly stepped in and helped teach Spade about the Unholy Darkness- but did not tell the Death Family. Spade became obsessed with studying the Darkness to seek his revenge and an inner persona surfaced. Though Spade desperately loved Julie, he was heart broken and revengeful.

Turning Point

Mortismere convinced Spade that it was an 'act of human nature' why Julie cheated. Indirectly, Mortismere flooded Spade's mind with images of taking revenge over both Julie and Damien; and made Spade believe that the child she was harboring was Damien's. Mortis told Spade that in order to cleanse his soul that he needed to get rid of the child and purge Julie of her sins.

The Death Family held a grand wedding on the Death Family estate for Spade and Julie even despite the cheating going on. After the wedding ceremony, a grand bawl was conducted and Damien showed up to the party. Damien got drunk and hit Spade in the face and the two had to be torn a part... Then, Damien kissed Julie romantically in front of Spade which infuriated Spade even more.

Spade's mind was corrupted by the Unholy Darkness and he started to hear voices in his head to take revenge.

The Murder

Something vial and evil emerged from within Spade's heart-- an evil entity known mysteriously as Dark Sincentius overwhelmed Spade's emotions and body. At this time, Spade developed a multiple personality. His 'normal' self was in complete denial over Julie's cheating and acted as if they were a happy couple. However, his 'evil' self wanted Julie and Damien dead.

Then one night the Death Family held a grand ball to celebrate Spade and Julie's wedding- but Spade was going to finally confront Damien about the cheating. Spade managed to get Damien drunk and steal his DNA... Spade then used ancient arts to alter Julie's child to succumb to the darkness but instead, Julie escaped and ran for her life.

The Dark Sincentius was manipulating Spade the whole time and caused him to follow after Julie into the ancient Death Family temple in the cemetery. To Spade Death, he saw an evil force kidnapping Julie and he was in hot pursuit.

However, in truth, it was Spade that was the running after Julie. Finally, once Julie reached the Temple- Spade killed her and ripped her heart out from her body. Spade believed that the child inside of her was surely dead but before he could do more harm- Damien attacked and nearly killed Spade.

The Death Family was horrified over what happened and exiled Spade forever from the family because he proved to be mentally insane and Spade was convinced that a demon killed Julie even though, Spade was found covered in Julie's own blood.

In addition, the family also wished to keep this horrible night a secret even from Spade-- because, Elders not only found the child inside of Julie born alive but there were a set of twins born on the exact last stroke of midnight... this was foretold in the Book of Prophesies.

Mortismere's Involvement

What no one realized was that not only did Mortismere setup the affair, provoke Spade to draw out Dark Sincentius in order to kill his wife and brother- but he took the opportunity to split his soul and transfer it into the an engineered set of twins born exactly on the last stroke of midnight.

Mortis was paranoid that his plan to control Dark Sincentius needed a body that was neither good or evil but balanced. And so, when Spade killed Julie- Mortismere split his soul into two pieces into Julie's set of twins but what Mortismere didn't plan on was that after Spade killed Julie- Damien interfered and nearly destroyed Spade and the transfer was only partially successful. The other piece of Mortis soul was absorbed into Julie's wedding ring. Elders quickly hid the two twins even from Mortismere. To Mortis' knowledge, only one of the twins survived. Spade was exiled by his family and he fled the the country to pursue the 'killer.' Mortismere escaped the Death Family and hunted Spade.

Spade's Capture

It took some time but Mortismere's web of assassins found out where Spade was hiding. Hangman, Mortis' top assassin, set fire to Spade's house and killed his new wife and two sons. Mortismere acted as if he came to the rescue and 'saved' Spade from dying and it was easy to convince Spade to accept the Unholy Darkness willingly. Mortismere had succeeded.

Spade Deathen Taken

Mortismere brought Spade Deathen back to France to his Castle and told Spade that the Death Family conspired against him and funded the assassination. But as time passed on, Spade's boiling rage and tension to seek his revenge rose to such a degree that Mortismere sensed a hidden dark power that was dormant. However, the light that existed in Spade Deathen held this dark power at bay. This was the last time Spade was "whole"- for Mortismere planted the seeds of evil in Spade Deathen and schooled his new pupil with the Unholy Dark Arts. As more time passed on, the chains that kept Spade Deathen in control of his own destiny was split apart. While using the Unholy Darkness as a scalpel, Mortismere was cutting away Spade Deathen's humanity.

Charon of Death Taken

The plan was to capture the genetically altered child of Spade Death: Charon of Death and use her as a weapon to wipe out the Death Family once and for all which would eventually lead to a world wide catastrophe once all traces of balance was eradicated from Earth.

Mortismere successfully kidnapped Charon of Death at the age of 9 and imprisoned her at his Castle of Mortis around the same time he was turning Spade to the Unholy Darkness. Charon was tortured and exposed to the deep radiation of the Unholy Darkness.

Aside from trying to turn Charon to the Unholy Darkness, Mortis was also searching her soul for any traces of his own imprinted soul. However, Charon was resisting and she blocked Mortismere's soul infiltration spells. Still however, Charon was tainted by the Unholy Darkness and she was branded by a pentagram on her upper back- near the top of the spine from the carvings done by Darkspade and Mortismere.

Night of Torture

Mortismere tried to force Charon to accept the Unholy Darkness, she once again refused. He ordered his druids to chain her down to the floor by her wrists and ankles. They did as they were commanded despite her struggles and her screaming, they also clamped a metal ring round her neck and attached it to the floor so she couldn't see everything that was happening but it kept her still. Mortismere ordered the druids to fetch Darkspade, several minutes later Darkspade entered the torture chamber and stood facing Mortismere. He ordered Darkspade to carve the pentagram into Charons back using a blunt, rusty knife, it was part of his own acceptance of the unholy darkness but at that time he couldn't complete the task. He cried and asked Charon to forgive him, she could do nothing more than cry and wish herself dead. Mortismere ordered the druids to take Darkspade to the dungeon and chain him there until he was available to deal with him, just as they dragged him out through the door, Mortismere had a change of heart. He had Darkspade chained to the wall of the chamber with several druids holding his head, as they did this Mortismere finished the carving of the pentagram himself, taking great delight in doing it as slowly and as painfully as he could. He even went over areas in order to drag the whole thing out longer. Charon maintained her consciousness for the whole time and listened as Darkspade sobbed, often begging Mortismere to stop. When he was satisfied with his handy work he stepped back but it wasn't Darkspade he asked to accept the unholy darkness, it was Charon he asked. She said at that point she wanted the pain to stop, she wanted to die and came very close to accepting at that point but she knew it would piss Mortismere off more if she said no. She told him to go fuck himself. Darkspade was released from his shackles and dragged from the room while Charon was left chained to the floor. Mortismere spent several more hours torturing her.

Seer's Perspective

Spade Deathen begged for mercy for Charon's life. Mortismere had just about enough of Spade- Mortismere wished for Charon to accept willingly and Spade's role in all of this was merely an example of what would happen if she didn't accept! After Mortismere was done etching a pentagram into Charon's back- he tortured her throughout the night in order to break her. Spade escaped his prison and seeked to release Charon from her captivity- according to Seer he claims that:

"Seer followed Spade Deathen into the torture chamber and caught Spade showing her the locket with Julie/Spade's picture in it in order to boost morale/wake her up in order to flee. But then, when Seer caught them- Darkspade was provoked and killed Charon."

However, the truth: Seer tricked Spade in order to accept the Unholy Darkness willingly to save Charon. When Spade reached the torture chamber, Seer's drugs made her act violently towards Spade- and attacked him.

Seer screams out lies that Charon accepted the Unholy Darkness willingly and it was too late to save her soul. But if Spade took her place, then her soul would be cleansed as she falls into the afterlife.

Spade Deathen, indeed, accepts willingly but this meant that he would have to kill Charon to commit an act of unpure evil- so Dark Sincentius emerges and he kills "Charon." With regret over realizing that he has lost it all, The Crystal of Darkness materialized from the intense feelings- sealing Dark Sincentius within the crystal. Mortismere also shows up and is upset that Charon died but realized the power that Spade was hiding. Mortismere separates Spade into three entities with Unholy incantations in order to control his new puppet.

Darkspade lost parts of his memory (which is evident throughout many stories) and this was one of the parts he forgot- even realizing that he killed Charon. So when Seer said he killed her at the torture chamber- Spade didn't believe him.

Charon Escapes

Though Charon resisted Mortismere and Darkspade's mind control and Unholy Darkness- she was slowly being eroded and it would have been just a matter of time before she would accept the Unholy Darkness willingly. It was important for Mortismere for Charon to accept willingly because he needed to have complete control without resistant- the will of the Unholy Darkness must replace the will of the host.

Charon somehow escaped her confines but she was disoriented and lost a great deal of her memory... alone and forgetful, Charon stumbled into the local town but was saved by an unlikely creature.... Kizmat.

Roots of Evil

Castle Mortis was where Mortismere called home. It was cleaverly built ontop of the old Unholy City of Xanderaz to conceil it's location. Mortismere was finally ready to attack after his many milenas of preparations and distractions... The first victims of his power was of course, The Death Family.

Spade Deathen was properly converted into the Unholy Darkness and renamed: DARKSPADE. Darkspade learned the Unholy Arts and was instructed to destroy the Death Family.

From that time onward, Darkspade's main focus was to seek revenge on his own family. The Death Family believed that 'Spade Deathen' was dead from the fires. And so, Darkspade worked in secret for many decades to topple the family fortune and to gain control over their assets as the son to Death's Wind and ArchAngel-- the eldest parents of the Death Family. No one knew that Darkspade was still alive untill a one-time confrontation happened as Darkspade payed a visit to his own father- ArchAngel and severally injured his father using the Crystal of Darkness. In the fight, the Crystal of Darkness shattered into two pieces and Darkspade lost his mind. On the other hand, the shattering of the Crystal gave Darkspade back a morsel of his memories and true identity.

Archangel was dying- the Death Family loomed over their fallen patriarch in sadness and anger. Archangel muttered the name 'Darkspade' as his murderer before being absorbed into the darkness. It was soon after that, the balance disrupted the family and Death's Wind disappeared in isolation for fear of her life. Mortismere hunted down Death's Wind and any member of the Death Family that dare get in his way. In a heated engagement, Mortismere and his army was defeated and pushed back- but Death's Wind died after using her powers to protect the Death Family one last time.

The shattering of the Crystal of Darkness was a major blow to Mortismere's plans and DARKSPADE was only half as strong and unable to evoke the spirit of the Dark Sincentius.

Roots of Dark Wrestling

Kizmat's plan involved the combined powers of all of the Creatures of the Night to stop Mortismere- but did not know how to accomplish the task of gathering all of the creatures into one place until, Alexander Arcane Senior stumbled upon the Creatures and wanted to form a wrestling organization with supernatural wrestlers. Kizmat took the opportunity to make a blood pact with Alexander in order to gather the wrestlers into one place.

But, Mortismere found out about the plan and sent Darkspade to popular gathering places to pursuade Creatures into accepting the "unpurity" and fight against the forces of good.

Alexander had second thoughts and wanted to back out of the deal and mysteriously died, but his son- Alexander Arcane Jr inherited the wrestling organization and continued the pact with Kizmat.

Kizmat's Sacrifice

Mortismere's network of dark magicians and assassins hunted tirelessly to find Charon- and discovered that Kizmat saved her and was hiding her from Mortismere's dark side elites.

Kizmat's hiding place was discovered and Kizmat sacrificed himself to save Charon from a Dark Embrace by Mortismere- the willing sacrifice distorted time and space and Kizmat was lost in a dark void. Charon awoke thinking she sent Kizmat into a void of darkness.

Creature Wrestling Federation

Creature Wrestling Federation went on air in late 1999 and was quickly a huge success. As predicted, many Creatures signed and was free to fight against one another to decide who was the Champion. But because of the careful planning by Mortis and Darkspade- light and darkness were at each other's throats. Because there was no balance within the Creature world- Kizmat's plan of using the energy of the creatures to defeat the Unholy Darkness was destroyed.