FAQ: What type of e-Fed is this?

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FAQ: What type of e-Fed is this?

Hello and welcome. First thing that is probably on your mind is, "what type of e-Fed is this?" To fully answer that question, let me briefly explain our e-Fed history, philosophy and approach.

CreatureWrestling is one of the very few 'e-Feds' on the planet that was developed in the 90s. We predate most e-Feds out there, it is entirely, feasibly, possible that an e-Fed you came from was inspired by what we did decades ago. When CreatureWrestling was developed there was no "standard" e-Fed format to base our game upon. Instead, largely through trial-and-error, we developed a unique system that at its core allows players to live out their wrestling lives when and how they want. Sure there is structure, such as special events, televised events, PPVs and moments where we have tournaments- all of that jazz- but I bet where you came from you are used to an e-Fed that has a window to cut promos and those promos are judged by some e-Fed staff member and they then decide who the winner is. Then when it comes to a point a PPV event airs- unless you are on the writing team, an e-Fed staff member writes the entire card, from start to finish, for each player etc.

Sound about right?

The reason why our e-Fed is legendary is because we believe in giving the power to the players with some consultation and guidance.

The main overall vision is an e-Fed universe that is self-sufficient and allows for your character(s) to grow stronger, and the community decides as a whole largely what happens here. I personally do not feel that the generic e-Fed formats out there do justice because they are almost too structured, all the same, and too restrictive while ensuring that its large roster numbers are its primary sole purpose of existing.

There is still a lot of things that CreatureWrestling does that other e-Feds does. You largely post in the "Role-Playing Board"- living out your life. You still cut introductions, promos, cameos, backstage scenes, dark-matches, reality shows... which can be posted by you at anytime without any staff telling you when and how you can do it, but on top of that you may also be writing scenes about your life in general whether past, present or future. Or write an ongoing saga bigger than a novel. And do what many e-Feds don't do and allow you to create a super natural character OR a mortal character. So you could be writing about your character's dark and mysterious life! Or participate in a main story-line which has been ongoing for 23 real life years!!

When it comes to matches- other e-feds may do a number of things such as have a staff judge your promos during a window of time and that is used to determine the winner and they control the entire match by writing it out.... if you like that, there's nothing wrong with it. We just think that its too life sucking, like its work, and you're not actually match fighting for that title, are ya?

We USED to have bi-weekly events- hell full scale interfed tournaments between two e-Feds- we may still do that- but, I found that that is just a gimmicky way for an e-Fed to appear active and you're giving up way too much of your real life. Instead, we have two dedicated boards for matches: televised content and the ol' PPV board.

The idea is that, you, the player book your own matches with the assistance of the staff. At times, a match call will be posted and YOU pitch the matches you want for that card. Then the card is developed on either match board. Then, you coordinate with your fellow players and decide on the winner by basing your decisions on what you role play and how you want your angle/feud proceeds. Sometimes, if necessary- such as if your team cannot come up with a decision on the win or during events which require a vote- you are then told who the winner is and then you decide who finished the match. Unlike a gigantic one-page essay written by a staff member- the players actually take turns writing their matches until an ending takes place (you are given a rough time when to wrap it up which is @12 posts into the match).

See- much much different than other places. It's scary just how much control you have... we must have been doing something right with decades into this!!

So there you have it- what type of e-Fed is this? Its an e-Fed that isn't like all the others.... we are all of the above. We have role-plays, parodies, supernatural/natural, match writing, intense storytelling and I am even open to adapt discord and console game fights!

Now that you have a better understanding what type we are- we are a type called: the Creature E-Fed.
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