CH.14 (The Employer Arc) Main Thread: Act 3, The Lords of Darkness

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Counter-demands and The Lord of Unholy Darkness Arrives

Charon and Brandon just shook their heads at Obed Marsh and especially at Mamud....

**Staring at Mamud disgusted**
Charon: Forget it. Kizzy, if we could defeat Lilith, not once but twice, then we could put down this asshole without their help.

**Kizmat rubbed his chin and replied**
KIZMÄT: I am not too sure that we could. I accept the terms on counter-conditions. First, you grant me the authority to invoke and reapply the Lords of Darkness seal at my discretion. Second, should any harm befall me, such as a betrayal or harm to my Charon during this process, the cost will be your life.

These counter-conditions sparked Mamud to ponder deeply.

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Nosferatu - Vampires Cry Charon's sudden change in attitude to helping Darkspade lead to them deeper into Castle Mortis. They made their way into the throne room, where, the Scepter of Mortis was hanging over the throne behind a glass panel display.

Charon: "And there it is. The Scepter of Mortis... so, why exactly do you need this thing?"

DS: "With it, I am able to summon the Mortal Wrestling Championship belt, it has been lost to the flow of time- this is when the scepter is at its strongest power... now we just need to grab it...."

Charon and Darkspade walk up the steps and notice the scepter above them.

DS: "Oi. It's farther up than I anticipated... I guess using this throne as a step and Mortis not knowing will work heh."

As Darkspade stepped on the throne and reached high to snatch the scepter, in the distance, a sea of thaumaturge knights complete with shields and swords... the knights parted, and two evil crimson eyes were seen in the darkness... Charon gulps and sidesteps...


Charon: "Uh... dad.... you better hurry"

DS: "I..... I... almost got it....."

From the parted line of knights emerged a deathly sunburst that shot from the gnarled, twisted fingertips of Lord Mortismere-- the burst of energy exploded in front of the throne, causing Darkspade to be violently thrown from his seat, but in his right hand was the Scepter... Darkspade was left smoking from the blast; his clothes charred and his face blackened. Charon, a figure of unwavering loyalty, stood silent as Lord Mortismere emerged.... his eyes, twin orbs of pure hatred, glistening as he looked down at Darkspade.

word count: 432
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Lord Mortismere
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Hark, for I am here.

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Steve Roden - Airria (hanging garden) second version

Lord Mortisemere hovered over Darkspade's twisting body, Charon #2 smiled and picked up the Scepter and handed it over to her Lord.

MM: "Who. Who is this cretin that infiltrated my keep?"

Charon: Sire. He calls himself, Darkspade. I lured him here so that it muses you.

**Mortismere smirks at Charon, and with his mouth wide open, with his serpent tongue flapping in every direction along with a slop of his sweet red saliva, he engulfs Charon's mouth in a wet open mouth kiss**

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Mortismere, his purple robe stained with the remnants of Charon's delicious juices, gazes at his Scepter. With a decisive gesture, he directs it towards Darkspade. The Crystal of Darkness, nestled within the tip of the Scepter, pulses in synchrony with Darkspade's body. In an instant, Darkspade is lifted from the ground, suspended in midair. He hovers, a mere breath away from the Lord of Unholy Darkness, a testament to Mortismere's unwavering resolve and the gravity of the situation.


MM: MUUUUAAAAHHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHQAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAA Awh. Yes. You ARE special indeed. Guards. Cast this cretin into my torture chamber so that I will judge him further for his trespass. And Charon, thank you, my sweet; you made your intense lover very proud of you today.

Charon bowed to her master, shoots a long stare at Darkspade's face, Darkspade just clinched his right fist. The scene fades as Darkspade taken away.
word count: 324
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A Mysterious Figure Arrives at CW HQ

Meanwhile... an interesting moment fades into reality...

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The scene shows Cadmus, a man of mystery, sipping tea and watching from the iconic bullet-proof gigantic window of the CreatureWrestling Headquarters in New York City. The tranquility of the moment is suddenly broken by a 'ding' from his cellphone, indicating the arrival of his guest. Cadmus takes a sip, then places the tea on its coaster on the mahogany table- still standing- as the double-doors swing wide open, disrupting the calm of the scene.

Cadmus: It has been awhile. Come, come... sit!

**The view from an extreme closeup of Cadmus switches to the view of an extreme closeup of...........

Richard Arcane: I am not staying long. Only reason why I am here, as you are well aware, is you said over the phone you have a tip where I could find Angel of Death. So. Where the hell is she!

**Cadmus smirks but, first, he walks around the table to get closer to Richard and he reaches his hand out for handshake**

Cadmus: Not until we have a prop...

Richard Arcane just spits in Cadmus' right hand!!!

Richard Arcane: Fuck that. Fuck you. Fuck YOUR Creature Wrestling. Fuck--

Cadmus takes a handkerchief and simply wipes away the spit from his hand- he smiles and walks back to his desk to pick up a sealed envelope.

Cadmus: I get why you are mad. Truly. For one, it must sting knowing that your brother sold his shares and a Death family member now owns CreatureWrestling. And second [turns around to give Richard the envelope], it must suck knowing that Angel of Death has been missing for the past seven years- must suck to live alone- suck that you can't see her again...

**Richard swiftly takes the envelope and looks at Cadmus in disgust**

Richard Arcane: What's this?!

Cadmus: It's a tip to knowing her whereabouts- what type of tip it is.... that I don't know. You would have to open it.

Richard Arcane: And what do you get in return?!

Cadmus: Awh to the point. Well, you see, I am bringing back the greatest and most iconic pay-per-view event of ALL Creature kind... CreatureMania. I would need a co-promoter and a partner for that event to succeed. For one, would you take on that job? And for two, I need you to arrange a main event match, which is entirely your choice. If you think about it, this is a win-win situation for you on all fronts. Of course, I would get all of the notoriety and most of the profits. But think of this as your way to exist again, as you should be, second in command, rich- could even clean yourself off and get a haircut. Whadda, you say?

word count: 508