CH.14 (The Employer Arc) Main Thread: Act 3, The Lords of Darkness

Used for developmental stories and feuds.
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Charon Death
CWE World Champion & The Guardian of Wickedness
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Coming Full Squared Circle

At this time, Charon was fully aware of what would preoccupy her father and earn his trust. She was uncertain about the full extent of Darkspade's knowledge, but she knew he was The Guardian of Balance, immune to The Employer's influence. Charon's first major victory was in the prestigious CWE World Championship, a testament to her determination and skill. It had been several weeks since Kizmat was put in a trance. Charon's successful ploy to lure Darkspade out of the darkness was a significant achievement, but the night she was preparing for their encounter, an unexpected event occurred.

The scene fades into view as Charon is in her dressing room at a LIVE CWE event, she is on facetime with Obed Marsh.

Charon: How is he?

Obed Marsh: He is stable, still stuck between the living and ethereal realm- we desperately need that urn. Is there any progress?

Charon: Almost. As expected my father came forward when Cadmus announced the match [a sound is heard outside- a sound of a *thud*] Um.. something happened- let me get back to you on this- trust me- I will get my father to cough up the Urn.

Charon turned off and placed her phone in her pocket- she picked up her nail gun and cocked the chamber back to load several nails into it. Charon slowly rose and opened the door outside her dressing room. There was no one immediately around. But then she heard that thud again down the hallway-- she slowly walked down the hallway and noticed that a strange woman was lying half-naked on the floor- with just a raggy black wedding dress on. With caution, Charon knelt and turned the woman over to her side.... to her shock... it was HER!


The presence of a second Charon somehow reactivated the nanobots within the first Charon. She started gagging and swelling from the reactivation of them. What was going on here?!? And at that, the World Champion blacked out, along with her phone beeping.

The scene then crossfades back at the technocracy with Charon laying on a care bed

Mamud: Charon....

Obed March: Guardian of Wickedness do you hear me?!

*Brandon's drinking has been getting worse over the weeks since Kizmat was out in a trance- and just screamed a loud*


Charon's lime-lighted up eyes slowly open- distraught- and confused she utters, "Whe. where am I?"

Mamud: Oh my. This is a cause for alarm-- Charon, you are back at the technocracy.

Charon: Was I attacked?

Mamud: Not exactly--

At that moment, the second Charon appears from out of the doorway and locks eyes with the Charon laying on the care bed.

Charon #1: You're her... the one I saw outside of my dressing room... I know you don't I.... You came from the future? My clone?

**The second Charon nodded her head in the affirmative....**

Mamud: Be careful, Charon. The reactivation of your nanobots and sustaining the Wickedness has drained you, so you must rest.

Charon: Urgh. How long have I been out?

Mamud: Several weeks.

Charon: And Kizmat?

Mamud: (looks over her shoulder at the doorway behind Charon #2) He's stable, but we must obtain the urn. There are reports that the Employer has extended its reach to other minor powers to do its bidding—this is very likely an attempt to stop us from acquiring the urn.

Charon #2 went over to the care bed and announced:

Charon #2: Mate- I want to help. I don't remember how I got here- it must have been when I last met you and leaped into the time portal. Mamud and Obed told me everything about this Employer and your mission.

Charon #1 looked at Mamud and gave her a non-verbal look implying "can we trust her?" Mamud nodded.

Charon #1: Alright, mate- here is what we will do; I need for you and me to play a little game of confusion with my dad.... this will drive him bonkers; he is already pissed off I took the CWE World title belt. I already bought a new mansion with the proceeds and flaunt this further. I will interview Micheal Cole and tease my dad, and he will arrive. I am sure of it.

Charon #2: And where do I come in?

Charon #1: You're the distraction, for sure. I want you to sow some doubt in his mind. I am sure he will remember you, which will pique his interest further. While confused, I will appear at Death Manor and find that urn as you occupy his attention. Sound good?

Charon #2 nods and unsheathes her own nailgun, "Let's do it mate!"

(The next scene carries onward from this post: ... .php?t=763. The next reply in this thread will continue the scene)
word count: 817

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The Unholy One
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Mysteries, Needs and Business

Continuing from the confrontation at Charon #1's manor....

Charon #2: Heh. [also sheathe her nailguns] I was the one you had choice words on my first interview, how did I do?

DS: Heh. Nearly perfect but The Unholy Darkness helped sniff out that you were not from this timeline, but from the future, and when we briefly worked together millennia ago against Hra'Spyder... speaking of, what DID happen to my Wife's heart-shaped locket that you used to travel through time. Did you by your account just arrive?

::Charon #2 sighs::
Charon #2: Yeah. About that. Well, I just recently made it to this present, but oddly enough, many hundred years too early, didn't you also travel through time? How did you get here yourself? [Darkspade's silence was deafening, a mystery in itself]. Well, something pulled me out of the time vortex; that something was Lord Mortismere. He plucked me to him [Charon #1 stares at Charon #2 and shakes her head], then, urgh, something else occurred; I can't recall with this time lag, but I found my way to the present.

Charon #1: Right. It's a long story so that we can discuss it over dinner. I would also love to know how you got back yourself dad.

::Darkspade grins::

DS: Indeed. It was not easy... Let's EAT!!!

Uncheck the mute button to hear the music (if there are more than one video in this thread, for full experience, you would have to uncheck/check off them as you read, sorry).
Cannot see or hear anything? Then, READ THIS

Shakespears Sister - My 16th Apology (Official Video)

The next scene crossfades, showing the three seated at a long dinner table and being serviced with food by the help. From afar- with them laughing and socializing- it appeared to be a healthy, fun gathering. Charon #1 dismisses herself from the table to go to the bathroom, leaving Charon #2 with Darkspade.

Image Image Image

Takes a drink of blood wine
DS: So. Charon, you don't remember anything else, how you got here from the past with your time with Mortismere?

Charon #2 pats her mouth with the silk napkin; the muscles in her forehead tighten, and she frowns, trying to remember
Charon #2: I really don't. But about that locket you mentioned...

Darkspade leans back.
DS: Yeah- it was your mother's locket. I am sure that is universally the same no matter what alternate reality you belong to. [taking a risk to disclose information] It was the master key that Aeeon Hades created.

Charon #2: He's that horned man thing, isn't he? Wow. I can't believe I've forgotten about him too.

Darkspade leans forward.
DS: I am sure a lot of things will come back to you. Hmm. Charon #1 sure is taking awhile-

Charon #2: Yeah about that- well you see dad.

Darkspade was feeling a little quessy.... the room was slowing down... he looked up at Charon #2 seeing multiples--

DS: You stupid bitc...

Darkspade suddenly falls to the floor, and along with it, the drugged glass of blood wine spills on the marble floor.

Some hours later... Darkspade awakens, tied to a chair with enchanted chains and seated inside of a pentagram, surrounded by the parameter with black candles etched in the middle of an empty room.

Uncheck the mute button to hear the music (if there are more than one video in this thread, for full experience, you would have to uncheck/check off them as you read, sorry).
Cannot see or hear anything? Then, READ THIS

Bad Blood - Shakespears Sister
Darkspade was silent as he raised his head to see Charon #1 pointing a nail-gun at her father's head.

DS: ...

Charon #1: Okay dad, where the fuck is The Undertaker's urn?

Looks at her confused
DS: The whata?

Charon points the nailgun at his right foot and shoots a nail right through it- pinning him to the floor!-- blood splattered in all directions!!!

Charon #1: Let's try this again... [moves in closer with the nailgun firmly pressed against his skull] WHERE IS THE URN?!

DS: URGHH!!! FUCCK.... fuck... Look- I have no actual fucking idea what you are talking about- if you want to interrogate someone with secrets [looks at Charon #2] THEN GO AND ASK THAT BITCH OVER THERE...


Charon #2, watching under the dim light of the candles from the parameter of the pentagram, just stood silent.

Charon #2: You want the locket? I know where you can find it. You help us with the urn, dad, I will give up the locket's location that I used to get back here.

DS: Well played- but your word is no guarantee- how about you first explain to my actual daughter what occurred before coming here- you two have something in common more than your DNA.

Charon #1 shoots another nailgun in his other foot!!!

Charon #1: Dad shut the fuck up.... you want that locket? We want the urn. Well here is my guarantee, I will face you at CreatureMania XV with the CWE World title on the line....

**Darkspade looks up**
DS: .... any stipulation of my choice?

Charon #1: Yes.

DS: Okay. The Undertaker's urn is at the Death Family estate- take me there and I will lead you to it- of course- only I could. You better untie me, and tie [points to Charon #2] her first.
word count: 912
Total of 6 top championships [Absolute Undisputed (1- undefeated); CW Undisputed (1); CWE Undisputed (2); CWF World (2)]
Other championships: CW Dual Core Champion (2); CWE IC (3), CWF Tag Team (2); ECF X-Treme (1); CWF Hardcore (1)


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The Undertaker's Urn: A Visit to Death Family Manor

The next scene crossfades to the estate of Death Family manor at the pitch of night; since a powerful force blocks magic, the only way to the estate was a long hour's drive from the closest town, miles away. The journey is filled with anticipation and mystery as a black car pulls through electronic gates. Then, with another crossfade, the car pulls up to the estate's driveway, the destination of this intriguing journey.

Charon numbers one and two were in the car along with a gagged, and still tied with a pentagram beaded enchanted necklace, Darkspade. Once the car stopped- they all got out of it.

Uncheck the mute button to hear the music (if there are more than one video in this thread, for full experience, you would have to uncheck/check off them as you read, sorry).
Cannot see or hear anything? Then, READ THIS

Fallen Souls - Enchanting Vocal Dark Fantasy Music

Charon #1: Charon, could you stay out here and guard the front [Charon #2 frowned with confusion], this won't take long.

Charon #2 nodded. Charon #1 clenched her dad's right arm with her left hand, and in her right hand was her nail gun—Darkspade was still tied to the back of his body—and they walked up the steps. Darkspade's presence opened the door magically, and they all entered through the front door. Once inside, Charon #1 hissed at the help who suddenly appeared to greet their Lord-- Darkspade quickly dismissed them verbally as Charon stood next to her dad, concealing the nailgun and his tied hands-- Charon got right down to business...


Darkspade had to smile and laugh a little...

DS: Before I tell you where its at, aren't you in the least interested how I came across it in the first place?

**Charon walks in-front of him with the nailgun pointed at his face**
Charon #1: Not really- I don't care- I need it- that's all you need to know.

DS: Maybe this will pique your interest- Let me guess. It's because you want it to stop The Employer?

Charon steps back a bit
Charon: What do you know about that? You work for it?

DS: Not exactly. You need it to release The Lords of Darkness, true?

Charon: Yes.

DS: Good enough- but I warn you- not even the Lords of Darkness will help you- in fact- if you release them its going to get a whole lot worse for everyone.

*Clenches the nail-gun*
Charon: And why is that?

DS: Do you think that if you release the likes of The Undertaker or his lieutenant, they will give two shits about your quarrel with The Employer? The Undertaker will want back his Creatures of the Night- it will be an all-out war, something that I knew when I worked with Lord Mortismere and Alexander Arcane on establishing Creature Wrestling.

Charon: What is the alternative then? Tell me!!

DS: Remember, our powers, the arclight...

Charon: Sorry dad. That won't cut it this time....

Darkspade sighs as Charon persists....

Charon: Where the FUCK is the urn!?

DS: Underneath you.

Charon, confused, looked slowly down. The large foyer contained a sizeable circular mosaic with a large "T" in the center, which she'd stepped on countless times throughout her life. There was always a faint 'hum' felt whenever she crossed this foyer, constantly interpreting it as a magical barrier.


DS: You guessed it. The urn protected us from any Creature of the Night who may have had a reason to stop our family- especially during the CWF years.

Charon: Awh- that was the significance of the "T" - always thought it was a bad design choice. So, it's underneath us. How do I get to it? Smash through the mosaic? I am okay with that, but with the high inflation price of repairing anything, I don't think you'd appreciate it if I broke through.

DS: Please reconsider- we can defeat The Employer without The Lords of Darkness, just trust me on this, for once!

Charon: Right. What's the secret magical words then? FUCKING NOW?

DS: Magic words indeed- like- Let the Unpurity of Darkspade guide you.

His voice is echoed and repeated throughout the entire manor hauntingly.....
... Unpurity of Darkspade guide you ...
... Unpurity of Darkspade guide you ...
... Darkspade guide you ...
... Darkspade guide you ...
... Unpurity of Darkspade guide you ...

... guide you...
... guide you...
... you...
... you...

Uncheck the mute button to hear the music (if there are more than one video in this thread, for full experience, you would have to uncheck/check off them as you read, sorry).
Cannot see or hear anything? Then, READ THIS

The Undertaker Theme + Titantron 2015 HD

The entire atmosphere went pitch black, and the next thing anyone saw any light, they were deep within the catacombs underneath Death Manor... Charon turned around and saw the urn of The Undertaker, seated majestically on a stone pillar with spotlights beaming on it from large tungsten standing lamps.

word count: 849