Silly Match Types

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Silly Match Types


1. Evening Gown or Bikini Match: This ones for the ladies =), usually lol. The wrestlers dress up in evening gowns (or whatever they agreed to) and the winner is the one that removes the opponent's clothes down to bra and underwear!

2. Tux Match: This one is for the men.... same rules apply as the Evening Gown match.

3. Six-Pac on a Pole Match: quite simple, the first one that can get that BEER wins!

4. The Drunk'n Salior: A table is set in the ring and the contenders take turns drinking until one passes out! The one that can hold his/her own liquor wins!

5. This Bud's for you!: A hardcore-BEER-last-DRUNK standing match! this ones totallllyyy brutal! The contenders MUST be DRUNK to begin the match! BEER will be available either by ringside, in a moat, or a pool..... and the first one that drinks the most in an selected amount of time wins!!!

6. Slipery When Wet Match: The participants must reach capture the soap bar in the shower to be the winner! May include fatal four way, triple threat, bikini match etc to make this fun and truly interesting!

7. Temptation Match: For these types of matches- there is a temptation of some sort and the winner is the one that can withstand that temptation or surpass it, etc...

8. Jello in Hell Match: A hell in a cell + jello= Jello in hell Match!!! OH MY!!

9. Ring around the Rosey Match: Another match designed for the drunkweights- all the participants must be drunk to start. When a participant is strike with a chair and falls completely down on the outside of the ring- will be eliminated.

10. Drunk'n Annihilation Match: Simply put- its an Annihilation Match, but Drunk.
word count: 303