Specter vs Jason LaClaire vs Lady of Darkness: Internet Title

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...time for the dance... (Specter Woven of Shadows (Internet Champ) - Riders)

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The arena is plunged into darkness and the speakers thunder into See You in Hell by Grim Reaper. A single, powerful spotlight flares on, bathing the head of the ramp in a lambent glow. Slowly shadows coalesce and weave together into an indistinct form, which gradually gains definition. The figure raises it’s head, the long dark hair falling back to reveal a heavily-cloaked woman gazing thoughtfully down the length of the ramp to the ring. The cloak stirs gently; then suddenly snaps out, revealing itself to be large, black-feathered wings. She stands dressed in sleek black leather with a pattern of slashes revealing glimpses of her pale skin…groups of four parallel slashes…clawmarks. Around her waist, the Internet title glitters and gleams as the lights come on, in a sullen blood red. She bates her wings slowly, before taking off and soaring into the air towards the ring.

The the scarlet lights fade and the white lights come up as she alights on a turnbuckle; her wings shimmer and fade away as she lightly leaps to the mat. The fans are waving signs and screaming with excitement as she pauses to accept their adulation, while security has to restrain several of the young men from climbing over the barrier. She seizes a mic and raises it to her lips. “Come on then, Lover,” she says huskily, “If you wish to dance with the Specter. Let’s see if you are man enough to handle me. And as for you Lady of Darkness…just bring it. Take me if you can.” She stands in her corner, waiting for her opponents with a slight smile…
word count: 277
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Not taking his eyes of Specter (by JasonLaClaire)

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LaCLaire sircles around the ring. Lady of Darkness saw an oppurtunity and jumped towards LaClaires back, but LaClaire was ready. Jason side stepped Lady and tossed her towards Specter. Specter staggered back slightly as Lady landed by her feet. LaClaire didn't waste any time with a drop kick to Specter, rolling her out of the ring.

Jason toward quickly to see Lady getting up. He went to capitalize, but Lady was ready and with a drop toe hold, knocked Jason down. LaClaire rolled through it and got back to his feet. Lady of Darkenss and LaClaire locked up. Jason took the advantage with an arm bar, every couple of second, slamming it down, threatening to pull the muscles and the joint out of socket.
word count: 125
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...watching the dancers from the sideline... (by Specter Woven of Shadows (Internet Champ) - Riders))

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Specter watched LaClaire and Lady of Darkness for a minute. Then she decided to join in the fun. She swiftly climbed to the top turnbuckle and stood, poised, for a long second. Then she launched herself into the air and flew across the ring to slam into LaClaire with a Body Press. Jason was knocked off his feet and managed to crash down onto Lady of Darkness.

Both of her opponents hit the mat, and she whipped around to pin Jason and waited for the ref to count. But it was a mistake to turn her back on Lady of Darkness since…
word count: 102