Match and Championship Title Rules (updated: 08/03/2023)

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Match and Championship Title Rules (updated: 08/03/2023)

Rules about matches, championships etc.

So, what are the title rules. How does one win them? how long do you hold them and what are the consequences?

How does one win championships?
First, if you do not want to win titles but just role play that is all fine! do that! but if you want to win titles you must do both.

Titles or normal matches are awarded by three ways:

****ABOVE ALL.... WINS NEEDS TO BE BASED UPON A FORMULA OF: Quantity + Quality from not just your match writing but ALSO your RPs.****

- Per Player decisions (the default way a title exchange happens & a regular match win happens): Simply, you're working with your opponent and deciding on the outcomes together. This requires teamwork and communication. You should have coordinated with your opponent(s) somehow and ideally have been building up an angle/feud leading up to a match. It is expected that you match write taking turns and around the 4th posting page (which is around 12 posts in total from all of the posters), someone that you elect posts the finale. If for some reason you're having trouble with determining the winner, then you may request that the staff decide or use public voting to determine for you. The idea here is the power is given the players and this allows for a lot of unexpected surprises, but the flipside is that it is conceivably hard to decide because everyone may want to win a match/title or even they have a hard time cooperating or attempts fall through- that is why you are provided with other ways to win.

**NOTES: When you are deciding per player decisions, please be fair, mindful and also aware that other players may be interested in your title(s). Periodically, CWE will call a title interest survey... please use this survey to determine your course of action. Also, there may be #1 contendership opportunities such as money in the bank, tournaments, etc., this is so that even players who may not normally interact with get a fair shot at your title.

If you are still having trouble determining a winner, you have several options:
1) Scoring Rubric: You grade each other, and you may also include other players on this if you so choose (up to 5 players in total aside from you and your opponent).

2) Ask the Staff to determine the winner for you (using the same Rubric above or other means such as discussion or tie-breaking software like

- Staff member declares a winner (on special occasions like if 1 month elapses and you guys haven't finished your match, we can declare the winner)

- Public voting (for tournaments or other special means)[/size]

How long can you hold onto a title belt?

**** First, titles drives stories..... ALWAYS. I don't consider this e-Fed "title"-centric at all. Its a moot point to be doing this, or elsewhere imho, if all you are doing is constantely working, like a real-life job, here. I don't expect for you to give up your real life to play here. I certainly can't lol.****

We have a governing rule called the Suggested Title Frame- a time limit. It is referred to a frame of time which is subjected to the overall demand (roster ratio) wanting to win your title. If there is a roster and demand present, then at the point the STF elapses you must drop the title belt. It's also dependent on you. You do not need to wait until the time limit ends to drop the belt.

To put it into perspective: if a title has a 2 month STF period and Joe wants your belt and has worked for it then approximately at the point of 2 months you guys have a match and the champion MUST drop the belt. On the other hand, if there is no one gunning for your belt or even big enough demand/roster you may hold your title for as long as you'd like- but I strongly advise that you still drop it and the administrator reserves the right to tell you to drop your title belt even if you do not want to once the STF elapses.

What if my match is not a title match?
- All of the rules above still apply with exception logically to holding a title. Such as how you win a match? You still have the three main options to use like player decisions.


- Aside from the general code of conduct, if you are a poor sport then your title will be stripped. This includes anywhere from no-showing to pivotal matches and moments in the game, to your overall behavior and participation. If you are found to be banned, then depending on the severity of the situation your title history reigns may be BLACKLISTED dishonorably off our history page.

- The Staff reserves the right at any time for any reason based on our code of conduct to strip you of your title(s) if necessary.

If you violate any of the rules... you will be given a warning* and your posts on the chat box or blogs will be immediately removed. If you persist- your account will be immediately frozen pending a full investigation which could result in a suspension- including- banning.

Suspension means you are temporarily out of the game for up to 1 month.
Banning: you are kicked out of the e-Fed for good.

* If your violation is very serious, then I will skip the warning and just either suspend or ban you.
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