Author - cw_admin

15th Year Anniversary and Great Changes

Not many people are left to remember it- but I was there. It was 1998. It was The hub where COTN fans came together and converse everything Undertaker, and even Kane, related. Then CreatureWrestling was born from a casual game of who’s side are you on? Face, Heel or Neutral. Every. Single. Major game concept, mechanic and standard was developed on CreatureWrestling… CW brought everything to an incredible, unmatched level and the rest is…. Legend. Now after 15 Years of leading [...]


End of the Gates of Apocalypse Saga

It is the End…… OR is it? The Gates of Apocalypse Saga could be traced way back when the Virus Saga unfolded upon CreatureWrestling in 2010… This Saga had significant purpose other than the threats but answered riddling questions like who was truly behind the NSA… what were Red Spyder’s true past and purpose… and what of the fate of The Dark Sincentius- just to name a few! It was a turning point to say the least. But as the perplexing [...]


Part 2 of the Real-Life Promoter of CW

Phillip: It must have been an amazing time playing at CreatureWrestling! I remember there were some times I posted too… do you have any favorite characters? You play a TON! and HOW do you do it? What inspires you to write?Darkspade: Hahaha well to be honest anything and everything inspires me- or just it comes at the most unusual times- like driving to home from work or when we see a movie lol. It’s just spontaneous and yeah there [...]


Comments from the ‘REAL-LIFE’ Promoter of CreatureWrestling

Only very rarely I speak outside from the persona of Alexander Arcane. In this special post, I am going to share my process, vision and my passion about the Undisputed Greatest E-Federation on the face of the planet! Questions are provided by my best friend who has been involved with me during the entire duration of CW and has seen it all.Phillip: First, what was your whole idea behind Darkspade? Where did it come from? Darkspade: Well remember back when [...]


Interview with the Promoter for CMXI: Ascension

What possibly is the biggest announcement since the 10th Anniversary of this sport several years back….. CreatureMania RETURNS with CreatureMania XI on February 20th 2014!!! We got to sit down with the Promoter of the Legendary Creature Wrestling Entertainment organization with some questions leading up to this blockbuster announcement! Reporter: It’s incredible to just see CreatureWrestling come back from a two year absence. What were the steps behind not only returning but the announcement of CreatureMania XI! Alexander Arcane: We Just [...]