Brief History Behind The Absolute Undisputed Championship

Brief History Behind The Absolute Undisputed Championship

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In the magnificent history of Creature Wrestling… there have been 15 titles which defined, chiseled and raised the bar each and every single time…. but only 1 title stands above all else.

That title is the
Absolute Undisputed Championship.

The history behind THE iconic title of this entire sport has it’s roots deeply cemented over time and has even started as a default title representing all of the Creatures of the Night when it was proclaimed on the late when Darkhag took on the mantle as the COTN Champion.

The defaulted title would soon be defended on Creature Wrestling Federation- the first official and greatest e-fed of all Creatures of the Night on December 11th 1999! Afterward, the title would be exchanged hands a total of 12 times– and each time the title received a new owner… so did they become legends of this sport and in return substantiate the fact that CWF IS and forever be known as the King of Kings.

As the organization expanded and grew to unrivaled heights as Creature Wrestling Entertainment– the CWF World Championship quickly evolved to then take on the mantle as the CWE Undisputed Championship! During the 15 dominating title rotations– each wrestler whom held the title would often also be inducted into the Official Hall of Fame of this sport! It was an exciting time but it was also a curse- because as the Undisputed Champion of this sport- a gigantic bullseye was plastered on the wrestler’s career… everybody wanted to taste the fame and fortune of the Undisputed Championship.

Just when it was as if the Undisputed title could go on for ages– Alexander Arcane back-stabbed the Creatures and proclaimed himself as the Eternal Undisputed Champion. Kizmat quickly dissolved the pact and the rest became history… but Richard Arcane brought back the sport and uped the ante by finally regrouping the organization as simply: Creature Wrestling!

Sending tidal waves– the iconic title would then undergo a super powered transformation as the Undisputed Creature Wrestling Championship– thus officially representing the entire sport.

There would be 7 CW Undisputed Champions during this remarkable rebirth before we would finally come to the title’s final evolutionary stage as the Absolute Undisputed Championship when the remnants of CWE and ECF top titles were merged. Ironic enough, there was to be only one Absolute Champion…. Charon of Death before CW ended it’s operations.


The iconic title, no matter what name it has been under- IS and FOREVER will be the representation of the hard work, perseverance of only
The BEST of the BEST of this sport….

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