Interview with the Promoter, Alexander Arcane…

Interview with the Promoter, Alexander Arcane…

Micheal Cole: Here with me, tonight is a very special guest. He requires no introduction. Mr. Arcane, welcome.

Arcane grins with that iconic smile of his and folds his fingers together
Alexander Arcane: Pleasure as always Micheal.

Micheal Cole: Let’s first talk about the current state of CreatureWrestling. For the past year the greatest wrestling organization on the planet has reached new heights unseen since the CWE ‘Golden’ era. What do you think is the reason for this unbelievable revelations?

Alexander Arcane: Ho ho that’s a huge question- there are many factors. We’ve always been the leader of our own sport. Hands down. Some of those factors are, for one, NSA is no longer an influence… Reverend Jones still runs his mouth but he has absolutely no bite when it comes to the current state of CW. When I launched CW Network it became an overnight success and our independence from 3rd party networks, like the NSA, released us from general liabilities and sponsorship dictatorship. WE DICTATE how the events are ran… WE can have the bloodiest matches imaginable without conforming to ‘standards’ set place by sponsors.


And secondly, my hand-chosen face of CreatureWrestling: DEADBLOOD. No other wrestler alive can say that they are a Double Undisputed Champion AND The Absolute Champion to boot. You can not achieve a title higher anywhere on this planet… and that fact alone is what has drawn out folks like Darkspade and Gojinn into competition….. Though, try as they might, they will NEVER dethrone Deadblood and my wallet will continue to grow and grow haha and grow.

Micheal Cole: Interesting. I have always thought it was the combined efforts of everyone involved in creating a superior product- with passion and commitment.

Alex’s left eyebrow rises
Keanu Reeves
Alexander Arcane: Well isn’t that what I just said. Look- what’s best for business isn’t just a saying… it’s a FACT. And that FACT alone is why CreatureWrestling DOMINATES the landscape.

Micheal Cole: Changing topics. But let’s talk about the most talked about confrontation on CW Network…. CW is MAD… not even 24 Hours later after a highly successful 15th Year Anniversary special, you took it upon yourself to humiliate Gojinn and Kizmat by bringing in Gunjinn and el Kizmato.

[Alex interrupts laughing!]
Micheal Cole: I am sure the CW MegaVerse disagrees with your antics… and then the fun ended when the REAL King Gojinn came out and decimated yourself and your face of CW: Deadblood…

[Alex stops laughing and returns a stern look of disgust]
Alexander Arcane: Get to the point of this ‘question’….

Micheal Cole: Certainly. I am sure there is punishment in store for what happened to you.

Alexander Arcane: Awh there we go, the real question. Firstly, I am the mastermind behind CreatureWrestling. I knew what I was doing and Gojinn came out like I knew he always would. What shocked me was that Kizmat was no where to be found. Gojinn takes a CHEAP shot off on me and cowardly attacks the FACE of CreatureWrestling and HIS and EVERYONE’s Double Undisputed Champion. The repercussions are far-reaching.

Micheal Cole: I recently had the chance to speak to your, face of CreatureWrestling: DEADBLOOD. Did you happen to catch what he said about the exchange? What are your thoughts?

Alexander Arcane: I didn’t finish. But interesting you mentioned that interview you had with him. Deadblood was very successful on the 15th Year Anniversary event but Gojinn was still able to walk. I wasn’t surprised Gojinn slithered into MY ring… but I EXPECTED that Deadblood would have WASTED HIM and SHOWED THE WORLD THAT HE IS NO GODDAMN KING. Deadblood failed in my eyes and he let that cretin lay his hands on me! Now granted, yes, Gojinn may have a little ‘tif with me being that I screwed his ass a few times with the Undisputed Championship- but, I knew what I was doing for the betterment of this company… What’s Best for Business isn’t always what’s BEST in the minds of lower life forms. Humph but let’s get back to Deadblood… I accept that what happened on CW is MAD was slighly my fault but Deadblood being the superior athlete got sloppy and lazy…. and it’s my responsibility to keep him motivated and challenged. So I thought long and hard about how to properly address this match up and coming with Deadblood and Darkspade on CreatureMania 12 and I’ve decided that we will have a special guest ref to push the face of this sport to new heights.

Micheal Cole: Oh? Who would that be?

Alexander Arcane: The same individual who Deadblood got sloppy with on CW is MAD and the man, the only man, who had any balls to show up, in person… King Gojinn!

Micheal Cole: Wow… are you afraid that Gojinn won’t be impartial to this huge matchup?!

Alexander Arcane: Listen. I have every confidence in the world that Deadblood will wipe the floor off of Darkspade’s guts come CM12… but there comes a time when you need to not only set an example but to do what’s right as a Promoter… I am just trying to help Deadblood become a better champion, Micheal!

Micheal Cole: Well. I certainly believe that match will help flex Deadblood’s muscles… Thank you for your honestly and time.

Alexander Arcane: Haha… anytime. Anytime.

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