Interview with the Promoter for CMXI: Ascension

Interview with the Promoter for CMXI: Ascension

What possibly is the biggest announcement since the 10th Anniversary of this sport several years back….. CreatureMania RETURNS with CreatureMania XI on February 20th 2014!!! We got to sit down with the Promoter of the Legendary Creature Wrestling Entertainment organization with some questions leading up to this blockbuster announcement!


 Reporter: It’s incredible to just see CreatureWrestling come back from a two year absence. What were the steps behind not only returning but the announcement of CreatureMania XI!

Alexander Arcane: We Just Can’t Be Stopped. This is the NEW Era. Since our birth in 1999, CreatureWrestling has Kicked ASS ever since as the Leader of it’s own sport. So. It becomes quite clear that the return of CreatureWrestling HAD to happen. It wasn’t easy… because in our day and age, media has changed. So CW had to adapt and focus in on 1 title for instance…

Reporter: The Absolute Undisputed Championship of this sport?



Alexander Arcane: You’re damn right. That was the first step to proceeding to the next level. I then discussed with my creative team the potential to bring back the grandest event of ALL TIME. And through a vigorous marketing campaign and endless nights- we bring to you CreatureMania XI: Ascension. The event’s theme will certainly be surrounded around the concept of ascension!! It goes without saying that only here at the birthplace and home of this sport that the BIG things happen. We take risks and are innovative…… with our past epic CreatureManias… I can guarandamntee you that CM XI: Ascension is going to put ALL of the other CreatureManias to shame over. This is ONLY the beginning… and it starts right here at CreatureWrestling.

Reporter: CreatureWrestling has been ON FIRE. And CM XI: Ascension most certainly establishes that we’re BACK and Kick’n ASS. What do you expect CreatureWrestling will be like in the years to come?

Alexander Arcane: Like I said before, We Can’t Be Stopped… the future can’t be predicted nor understood but there is one constant in this universe and that is, CreatureWrestling is the granddaddy of it all and each and every single wrestler who stands in a CreatureWrestling ring experiences an experience that can only be described as Legendary. I expect that the future- CreatureWrestling will continue to set the standard for it’s own sport and pave the way for future generations to come.

Reporter: That’s amazing. Before I conclude… anything you can say with regards who will be on the card?

Alexander Arcane: Hahaaa.. well you and the world will have to stay tuned to find out but one such match on CM XI: Ascension will be the BIGGEST match that this sport has EVER witnessed… also, don’t be surprised to see some familiar Legends on the card too.

Reporter: Thank you Promoter!

Alexander Arcane: It’s always my pleasure.

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